
Adam & Hailey (Telling your school )


Hi Adam, now I want you to do a few things from me.
Stop listening to any friends on my facebook or those MD. I didn't come back to this UB, so they attack you, Adam with Hailey this time. okay?
I just happen to be here, to sort something called the movie Tiny 4.0. And there were problems.
I need you to do things in steps. When you are running a YouTuber Channel, and with your kinds of school pulling, register bills, money paying, phone wiring, content writing, and all those things getting your attention too overload.....you encounter a lot of things not right.
You want to make money, Adam. Everyone does that.
Don't do those things. Step down.

楊冪 Tiny 4.0
Adam, I think you learn your Chinese very very good in a very very short time.
I want you to finish your schooling, and get yourself life back up, you understand?
If this week, too in a hurry tomorrow your content already finished writing, you do it next week....You are running a pressure, you must sustain that clicks to earn your weekly ads. I know that.
You need to stay away from your family, there are things whatever there, the house is selling.
You are in between this church things you are helping, you can see things around, but Adam, not in this methods doing things, okay?
We do step by step.
Now Adam, you just bought the house, the only places to stay.
You and Hailey will agree or disagreeing things with everything around you.
I need you to walk out that situation. She insists doing her way, you just don't get involved in that. That is her Channel, you support in that causes.
Not that methods, I say that again. Adam. Not that methods.
You go to your school, BYU, that is the most immediate things to them.
You say, you encounter some problems in life. Anna wants me to come here to tell you a few things. She says you Adam want to finish this school, that for now, that is the most important things in life to get it right. Not these video and the past methods if others found out to be illegal. You Adam are not 100% sure why that is illegal but "I need time" to sort that with people around me, near me. I had a lot of things that settle in, just with the new houses, and trying to get by content input, that is a constantly lacking ideas situation, so I didn't know anything aynmore at this moment, I wish you could give me one or two weeks, so I can make sure my life is settle that I will continue to get this right.
You Adam say, "I don't know about Hailey, but Anna told me, to go and finish school. If Hailey wants to go back to Taiwan with her family on that video, get out. FInish the school, don't delay anymore, its not worth it. Your Chinese are speaking very good, Anna says, that's good enough for now. Doing the right things, its to go back to your school, and learn things right, to social networks in this world until you graduate. You will continue to watching the Asian statues, because you are always interests in it, but you found out maybe this time, things gone a littel out of the hands. I am not actually sure things. I need to step away, and finishing school are always my parents want, and what I really need to want, Anna says."
 You adam says, "I need to get this whole things right, again, if that including to lose all those hard works, and not going to jail, I will do all that, not to go to jail. But I need help. I willing to do my best, to tell Hailey, or to talk to anyone that willing to talk to me, from both family or church, that, we will get things right this time. My judgement was on.....different things. I know what I read, and I make that decision for a while. I don't want to do that anymore. Can you help me?"
You Adam says, "If I need to move out, because they insist to keep that channel, I will tell you, I will be broke, and homeless at this time, with no one really there supporting me, for what I claim right now. I don't really want to be living cold at right now, here here. But I will tell you, that is what I had thought about it...one of the exit, if things got really worse, and I do that...what will happen. I did thought about all that. "
 You Adam says, "There is someone talking to me, I think she contacts the school, she want me to come back the school, to tell you, you Adam personally want to graduate with a paper in the future, to say, you have a future. You could see things with excitement, but you don't have a right direction to turn right now. "
 You Adam say, "I am talking to Hailey too. But Anna says, if that situation persists, that you Adam encouter situation you cannot get out, you need to lose everything, not to go to jail, no matter what. Anna says, going to jail on your life records, its no matter what, no good. You want out. Right now. She Hailey might think it is not like that, but I don't want to gamble that. If there is an exit, I take it, and I want to finish the school. Try again life. No jail records, I don't want that."
 You Adam says, "I am a little bit everywhere.... right now. Its true. I am not feeling all that well, right now. Anna says, just do one things at a time, even if I just keep sending the message and you are not talking to me, I hope you will listen. I need to get through this. Not jail records. "
You Adam says, "I went to make some money online in Taiwan. There are something happened, we use a server that is not Taiwan base. Its from India. For the cyber worlds, you Adam didn't think that is exactly wrong with it, since everyone are using it. Anna says, that newspaper does not look like saying that. You Adam says, you didn't read that. You are scared of that already for next year tax seasons. You do feel the scared. That is the first things.
Second things, my life are not just YouTuber Channerl bound, you know that, but I put the school last. I am sorry. I need to get back here, and find that major, and finish all the works.
The Third things are this why I put stuffs on the video ....of course, its to make money. I Adam thought about a plan. That plan, Anna says, you are not thinking straight. I did 3 video this far, within 3 weeks including my family probably let me, and we bought the house, and move in Utrah, to this all new things here. WE are in the US, not in Taiwan, right now.
The Forth things, When CNN or everything around me start to go buzz on me, my heads started to get fuzzy....what?
That is literally Anna says "What?"
Fifth things, No, I am not stupid. But ...there is a "What?"
Do you have a professional people....I want to ask you something about this "What?" I don't want to talk to the Church, I need someone that will not make it anymore worse, and I go to jail, or all of us going to jail.
Anna says, just copy and paste telling you all that, next whole week, that will start a conversation at least you know, you are working on your pace to get things right....
 Start saying all that, Adam.
I go to sleep.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....