
UB, I say to you...your parents.


💞💝💖🥪🌭 Your Medical Board, Law Firm, UB Top, or Educational Department, cares about this China Drama, called Flower Thousand Bone, 花千骨, Very very big things happened in that side of the world.
You hear nothing much Anna says, correct.
Most of you, only need to live this one life, how long this got? another 50 years?
My life is target to eternal life, not 50 years life.
Eben and ETR Craig Ballantyne, they help a lot a lot a lot a lot of people to think positively, to help them discipline, they do a lot of that works, to know, why Life must to go up, and they are gearing that faith in them, that is the only way to live that life, its to Make it in life.
No, you don't have those things, I left my facebook, remember?
I come here only to leave some door opens, because you are not exactly bad people in this society, why you don't just get yourself a better chance with your family, your sibling, your friends, your new worlds, you getting anything if you can make it yourself.
That is to self discipline yourself.
You and me, don't have a chance. You should know that.
Eben and ETR Craig Ballantyne, I state it again, they help that business to grow in 15-20 years, they teach, they lecture, they hard working very very diligently wishing them well, faciliating any programs, or efforts for common public people to get up their life, to do better. They are not just talking, they are doing that behind.
I like that...
And I see something on the TV.
I want that to happen to this side of American world.
So I agree to Eben or that Mushroom professor this City of Hope, or Roswell Park Project, I go on to put it up together.
I see a lot of things, okay?
A lot a lot a lot of things.
When both Eben or ETR Craig Ballantyne +2 guys and all their company, wants to give a humanity any smaller groups of people to start to "get up on time", "disicpline your thought"
That is all greater works I wish they continue to make that right in everyone's life.
Eben is the one saying things to me.
No, I didn't go to him, so I would be with him. I hear what he said, we have agree or disagree earlier this year.
Later I agree.
I am still agreeing to that. I want something to happen, and I see that in them. I may not know that from the beginning to say anything, but later I put things together....I want the humanity to get up and fold their bed, and get exercise, eat healthier, and go to get a mentor or a coach, to that Digital Era, that both these very young guys, like Craig and Eben, or Mat, they were?
They were very young....
Those times....
They were not like any of you, to start step by step, helping smaller groups of people.
At this time, if I have access of a large audience, I want that to build that on Top of that. Because I like that.
Do you understand?
Does your parents understand?
We are over, that facebook long time ago...
That is a no.

You UB care about how many people followed them. I only care they started a small groups, they are not telling me what's behind.
20 groups of them are enough, to say small.
A real person does a real thing, knows...things started with 20 groups of people.
I like their presentation, I like the groups of people they put together to work for them. I see their efforts, including those people they hire, they don't drag people down, they actively want to live a better life. They are all normal person people to people person.
I see what I like, I don't have to say a lot of things.
I want things to take off on certain parts of worlds, that from the small.
Correct, you think they are smaller than Trump.
Probably. He has a daughter, not really the son.
You should look at what I like.....not what you imagine you think you like....with your parents to decide for my life.
When I say, that is me and Eben things, that is me and Eben things.
If we work it out or not, I still help them, those groups doing things, no matter what.
I am not like any of you, whatever this is....
Dr. Bing Shen, he was a far uncle of mine. I think he got fired, like all of you, behind me UB MD. He cannot handle anything personally to help anyone. American standard, that is the world in City of Hope that doesn't want people like that....
So they replace him.
He can still use his brain works that accumulate his experience in China, wherever he lands himself at, back in China. He only knows what to do with what he does best...that is China will keep him there, well.
I don't care how he turns out, to have a life in China, as long as he is safe there with his family. I don't like I cannot rely on him, but I understand with his ability, like many of you, he only went to school, not battle field. He only knows how to do that lab works.
I did not say jail him.
You all kids attitude, was your parents if they don't help you, or your uncle put you in stress situation, they cannot just go back to their country, and drop you one person here in America.
I say it again, I did not wish him good or bad. Just live the life you know how to life, somewhere else, not in America.
You wish your parents to hear what I said?
or you want me to repeated it again?

Let me try it again...
When Anna me the invention comes, like you see in my album, I went to get Dr. T to ask him something, I cannot figure it out. So he sent me to another white professor, looks like that NASA commercial guy in SMTV. A little bit chuby.
We talked, he let me go home.
They both be told, and so I think that both professors go to tell UB, Anna is up to something....AT least they records that.
My uncle, his attitude was, that thing is not from his lab, he doesn't want to hear about it.
That is the competition field, so the City of Hope that time, they lose me.
That is why he got fired.
You want to get Dr. T and another professor to get fired?

Do you hear anything when I tell Jonathon's Father MD in Roswell, about this Mushroom Professor in City of Hope?
We have a photo here and there on the TV?
Do you ever ask me, what I think of that person, and the reality of the comic books format telling you a very simple Conan Detective movie story with "a frame"?
We photo together?
I told everyone to go and tell him, he lost his memory, and forgotton of that one photo memory story, to applying City Of Hope?
Do you remember that?
His name is Ancient Chasez position? On that comic book 花冠安琪兒
Do you remember I say all that?
You can try to pass him, surpass him, or you surpass me?
To whomever trying that City of Hope things with Roswell Jonathon father MD got told, a simple story in Conan Detective?
Because its very true !
Do you want to find out how true that means true???

That person from City of Hope, I called him the Mushroom Professor, he is a type of guy, very brutal on the scientific inventions stuffs. Not just his characters are like that....you don't pass anything, if you don't arrive that degree, if he is still in City of Hope, i don't even know. My uncle was there for 20 years almost now.
That guy is a white guy. He delivers presentation fine guy.
Dr. T is a mild guy.
That mushroom Professor is not a mild person, no matter how you look at it.
Do you even ask me, how does that professor Mushroom ended up on that stage in front of me, that time? Like, "Hi~ Anna, how does that to work in a place like City of Hope, is that Intern you say? What are they anyway?"
Do you ever occurring to you, what is City of Hope?
What is the Intern, my uncle gives me a chance in my life, he has a chance in his life no matter where he goes? That no matter what, he flew in UK, to talk to me, once?
Long time ago, Adam and I was in UK those time, I left him to go to UB transfer students. I never told anyone what I do. I just did it.
That time I get the paper submit, and ready to go. From UK to UB.
My uncle shows up to see me in the school at UK, I never had a family there, so he comes, that summer, I worked in the City of Hope.
After that summer, I arrived to UB, to go to APO, CAC or Honor Class, in JC Always.
In that video, I deliver a white JC dresses twice frames,
One at City of Hope
One is at Buffalo Diagnostic lab.
I didn't tell my uncle I goes there. That is a chromosome lab.
I am not even sure if my uncle got fired....I just said he might, because of that W TWo worlds.

That Summer, I met a lot of students from the entire 50 states. They tell you, 1/3 of students, they go by connection to end up in City of Hope.
So as we have that intern ready for that 50 states students, I think roughly like 200 -300 students, they are Duke, Standford.....I cut my hair hair...very short, like nobody just showing up there.....I hate this Adam things emotional romance stuffs....I want to a new life, I will cut my hair like that.
So that is not a summer to say romance, I work there.
They occasionally deliver something to gather the students all in.
All the students coming in to some of the stuffs they put, at the beginning of that intern.
And that mushroom professor is one of them.
That is how it happened.
We have 8 weeks or 10 weeks....to later, they call you to see, if you do a poster on the walls, or you do a oral reports.
I was that lucky, I do an oral report that time, on the stage.
My uncle was there. I was very young that time.
That is how it happened, everyone left there for 20 years now. What we all become, like Simon Cowell Farewell American Idol, you should look at it. 
Commercial 華爾街金錢萬萬歲!!廣告
The mushroom Professor like Simon or Howard, you go there start crying or he stills makes you cry at the end, whatever you planning to do.
You wish he is blank, not learning anything about the movies.
I highly doubt it.
If he goes evaluate himself “on himself” with the photo …to the degree why Anna just meant you should all die, and she really just go and ensure the worlds collaps and you just need to die …he will probably remember what he made of?
You know, the strength to which you cry, I kill?
That makes up his new future, he cries with you, or he just meant that’s a job he does?
Your jobs as a girl, or a blonde hair guy, it’s to make it with that City of Hope Mushroom Professor or Howard Stern.
To mock up that photo image, I say, Ancient Chasez, Siddarthra position.
You just go and do it !!
It’s probably easier you get through ETR Craig Ballantyne but Masterson is on top of them 3, as long as he exists, you surely don’t make it anywhere…
But with that Mushroom Professor, his 20 years ago, he was already like that …you are saying 20 years I didn’t know what he had becomes ?
That’s a science field.
Not self-improvement you deliver a draft speech only …you present yourself right, Masterson likes you, you done. It’s like a modeling business.
Science, they use IQ brain.
You have a IQ brain?
You make him to become your stuffs and you open door to every year City of Hope 300 students per intern, per years from 50 states?
City of Hope will not let him just go dying by himself with that one photo !!
They find out things as the professional networks, my uncle is a spy, asking my mother what a pain in the ass I ever be….?
Because one photo tells 1000 words !!
You tell that mushroom Professor “ be yours”?
Heart …aches….”be mine” is so hard to say those words out …what’s so awful to say those words? You borrow him for 5 mins and return him to his family wife kids?
You wish him well, you wish him fine.
Starting that?
Or you have any invention on hands like me and Lee?
He wants to know I done the scientific basic curriculum works with CADS labs?
Me sailor Neptune, another story you go to Lee or you go to Mushroom Professor?
Be an organic chemistry tutor in a funded university, are you sure it’s easy you just by listening, you think organic chemistry is a subject you tutor if you don’t make it General Chemistry to say a few chapters words opening that textbook?
Starts with Dr T?
He is 25 years on one subject General Chemistry, and you could get that wrong with Dr T?
You want to start something small? Step by step?
You go to Dr T, Lee Solomon, or Mushroom Professor to replace me?
Yeah, try that!!
I am online talking 8 years, I don’t have a textbook since when …
The brain like yours needs to read every year, you wonder if I lost my wits in music….
How I just need a textbook to read that book again ?
It’s something I already learn, let me reminded you all that.
I already leant it before ….

💞💝💖🥪🌭 Do you talk to your parents, about your progress?
Like telling me, right now these are COVID 19 times? You might just die on it? That kind of talk?
You have some body works to build?
Some presentation skills your parents think these are a good ideas?
To shape up your life, to be more mature, and responsible upbeat people?
Sit home, be sad? That life has no activities, besides drunk on weekend, and waste on Holiday?
No, your degree of learning, its started use your mouth to talk right.
I think that is the only step right now. Dr. T is more than enough....
Lee is like your classmate, he is from UP. That is a very well achieved school.
I don't have school after UB.
UB is the only school I ever get !
You are not orientated yourself very well on this ....whatever this is, for you to look at it.
You want to be the guys that people can rely on?
Why don't I just be the guy, pretending all these photo are mine, and starting saying I am the guys, shut up, and give me the blank paper, I start writing one to one millions?
Follow exactly these instruction and do step 1 to step 1000?
Anyone asking you, Anna gives anymore instruction, to copy and paste?

 One day, your life will be hit by the crisis....you figure it out, that is the life suppose to be? To live one full life?

Did I ever care, what you all did behind me, when I just lay out instruction, do that?
Prince William, cares what his classmates all do behind him, in his class.....if he gives the instruction.
You mess up, I go back to the States, and someone telling me everything, I fix everything right there, myself !
Technically Medical Boards don't expect a weak feeble human like me, could do anything in life .....
To say, I am not even nervous, you will screw it up the first day.
Prince William will yet at you all, starting on the first day.
His temper is not that great. Not really....he is a little bit spoil, things suppose to get smooth, he believes in that.
Very bad temper person.
 People screw up things, you don't blame them. You just go and do it yourself ... I just didn't acquire that piece of MD paper myself, to say, these are domestic things, you are trying to be functional.
Is anything not what you like to hear what I say so far, on those schedules?
So, just keep file-ing these files.
I trust that Jonathon will tell you all..if he didn't, you tell me later.
I tell you a story....when I was in high school, we have these 3000 girls that enter that school, by scores. The grades.
One grade determine your life worth, that kinds.
So when you enter those very top school, you will start meeting certain types of students.
These students, in your America, they normally don't go to state school. They are multi- space oriented.
Meaning they do a lot of things starting young, in different directions, so when the life crisis hits them, they can multi-functional to tackle different direction of matters.
You are feeling being rip apart from few things in your life, you cannot oriented your space in life. You feel pain, you feel suffering, you feel uncertain.
Your parents are just right there with you.
When those professional school, like pre-med, pre-pharmacy, pre-dental started that prerequisite courses, these Top end school, also in each school, has requirement, what you ought to take in class before I apply to that Pharmacy school.
I apply to UB, and one more school, I think it is in Dr. T's his school states.
The pharmacy school.
I don't really know what to do with those application, because every school requires all different stuffs. Too many stuffs.
So I pick and choose, and just randomly to apply that school.
I think it is in North Carolina.
Its a pharmacy school.
These things happened too long ago, I already forgotten.
Right now i remembering now, because I start to remember my PCAT scores, maybe I look at the wrong side of my grade paper, that time.
I growing up, to go to several difference places....I will tell you, there are a particular kind of students, they can do multi-talents space projects. They are being selected too. I know they exists. Not feeling all the spaces being rip apart from all the direction coming in, which really....I am = Seth, that is not a thing you do in life, really.

💞💝💖🥪🌭 Those students, family are different, talents are different, their attitude are different.... when I used to be in my high school, they go to cram school.
My family has no money, I didn't go to cram school.
Its a norm here, those Asian kids family, go to so many subjects matter to those cram school, outside the regular high school curriculum.
I went to join the volleyball team.
In these Top girls school, there are different things you can do in that school, to social, to play, to join different norms stuffs, to make friends. You just making friends.
Its similar like UB.

The earlier you train yourself, step by step, some people learn it once, next time, you just do exactly the same things, and get done with it. To move on their lifes.
This one time.
Its not a big deal what you do it right or wrong. I don't yell at people. I am used to, to do everything myself.
You, however, one day, you gonna tell everyone else, you think they all did the wrong for you. That is the thing.
I hope you don't do that. You will hurt a lot of people, because those things are someone patiently teaching you to do, and you are just trying to do it right for others in the future.

You have a group now, you should cultivate them with your new friends. I don't have new friends, you are all the same looking guys I used to know. You help each other to grow, no matter what, in life, sometimes you don't have a job in MD, you might end up in paper works jobs. Some guys does construction labor jobs.
You humbly to quests those work forces, no matter what, you find an exit to live on yourself and provide others.
That's called humility.
You want me to say that again to your parents?
No matter which life direction it turns, you find a way out.
To nurture, and to nourish life. Whatever that life means to you or not means to you.
Sometimes people won't go to your way, so you let go.
If they find they want to come for help, you help them, no matter what. Everyone mentality and life experience is different, you are being helpful, because God gives you talents to be a little bit better, to breath somehow, you get things done exactly like this is the last breath on Earth.
You never have to be forced in that situation ....at least you try to be responsible for your parents.
I used to do some works before I come back to UB.

Military, yeah....I just randomly gives them a name.
I sometimes tell them, re-write !

You have confident to do that?


Normal client, are not your UB classmate, to tell you step 1 to step 1000.
They envy you, and they make sure you get lay off, or telling your parents, you are a dummy.
That is what the real world people outside does all that.
You have no pressure, to deliver it or not. I am seriously meant it.
I don't inside outside give you pressure.
That day, when that day comes, to your real world, if you still get that paper going, MD. You will know what is the real mentality, people blames things, all in that fashion, you are just not capable, and hating your jobs as a MD.
Following a simple instruction and no one blaming on you, you are taking it a way too simple breeze to live life....really.

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