
Diet plan, you may not say fitness plan. Because I only working on the diets !

When I was in America, I wasn't decided what to eat, so I eat white bread, or chocolate in the vending machine. Like Hersey, I will tell you that is so concentrate sugar, although that is not sweet at all. 

I use to eat that, because no one really teaching me what to eat, or health wise...I don't have anything in my head that time. Not nutrition, not health.

But when I met nick, he told me he ate only 2 meals. He started to talk about a lot about health.

To me was ...that is a greek to me. Becuase the nutritional class, that was in middle school, not anywhere in college. I never heard about raw, juicing, or his Italian bread is better than the regular process store white white white white bread....those stain in the milk and become....gone! Those white bread.

I used to make a simple sandwitch machine, to press the cheese in between two bread, and that was my life to go to work. I drive on the highway to get down to downtown Buffalo. Its every day.

That is very dangerous to be on the highway.

🥪🍲🧀 In order to live with nick, I just look at what he does....he does pasta. I actually eat everything he comes out. They are all vegetarian. One day, SMCH says to go vegan, and we did. 

Nick does not use sugar.

I cook at home sugar, yeah....


At that time, he told me curezone, so I started to get interested why my periods is so painful. That psychic response in me, was...I am with a guy, I want to get rid of the bad breath.

That was 2006 started.

That is a decade pass, I will tell you, days go so far away, I don't remember anything anymore. That is how bad, everything changes or transformed.

I want to relate how you love food. I really trying. But today I just stand there. I keep standing there, not that I don't try. I don't know how ! I went to everyone this food store, to convinience store.

I just don't like any of them. That is a cool breezing air, if you meet someone like that, just seeing food are far away substance....I don't really remember how I got here, all that....but its one by one I dissolved that food wants. Because I experiment to harshly on the body, I cannot get soy sauce a drop. My kidney screams.

Those things become a side effects, because I had so much pain to start eating food, every fasting detox week after.

Although I don't detox anymore, which most people will tell you, why not....I just don't do that anymore, still, that bodily response I will tell you, I have no more feeling to see those food, wanting to put in my mouth.

SMCH does say something probably on that. I am not sure she says it because she knows, or she just says it.

People have a karma to a world, that related to food. There are those on the very Top, that doesn't have affinity with food, if I say that right, there is something about you all crave, and loving food, I can see, that is a very helpless situation.

Even if one day, you follow every protocol I did, you still seeing those food, you start to have want to eat those food.

I don't have that.

You will fall back, okay?

Because that is not supported. Your habits inside you, something about food, or taste, or seeing, of all that...

If you telling me you like to be with your friends and family, and you see those food is with that, okay....I think you have a reason to feel the festivity. But you indulge inside the sense, called the food palate. 

Yogananda has a book details a lot of sense, which I say, those are Greek to me okay?

Your body is connecting to a lot of wants. He defines that as a desire.

To me...that is a useless things you are saying. What desire?

Eating food is a desire?

You desire to be famous, and you lose thin weight, will do that....that is a desire and badly want. That is helpless you want....not eating !!!

With whom you all coming out...to these Eben or Craig, or a lot of people in every age bracket now, they can get someone's name to stand right in front of you.

You don't want to try?

Does the guy like to see the girls loving the food so much?

If you start it now, in 5 years, you are in front of those, that 5 years later freshman. Eben and Craig may not be your age brackets. And they can have unlimited people coming out, near by, adjcent by....having your prince charming methods to that Bieber or Shawn kinda like....

Think about it !

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