
You need a niche


In my graduate school, that was when I was with nick.

He has a lot of these speakers I don't know where he collects them.  So one of them, is a PhD from Mark Jouyner side. Nick bought Mark Jouyner stuffs, but there was a PhD professor I just went to ask him, if I can collects my MLS paper to send to him...

I forget what was the assignment. I email him. He replies me.

I go ahead to live one semester...what I did was in the end of that semester I generate all the things I put in one report, I sent him a copy, I send the school a copy, and I used his name saying I did a reference from him. Not recommandation letter, not actually an intern. I forget what it was....just one of those days I decide to call someone do something.

He agrees.

You want to do something, just trying outside your comfer zone? They may reject you, depends on your sincerity and you tell them what you do?

I don't receive much message back, so I keep sending what I finish stuffs? It was a paper !

I look at my own resume, I start to remember whom that is....really.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....