
You want to wait few years, after you grow up? Its every year Simon Cowell and Keanu, orietnation Table on Lords of Rings, anyway....

 Adam Richards, whenever he grow up his head more clear?

I know what he wants to do, but he cannot afford to be here, you know why? Beucase here, they are way way way too expensive, those tiny money, he and Hailey makes. And now, he is not even sure he can keep all those money, to included the USA tiny lands to say house tax in American still an expense. 

I know what he wants to do, but I already told you and everyone....these YouTubers people Taiwan, they live outside this Taipei District area.

So called 101 district area, these were designed since 20 years ago....never imagine you getting in there....Google they are in 101 !!

You need to have money to live in Taipei, Taiwan...here its the economic central places of the whole Taiwan, small tiny islands?

They design like that.


I met him, where Hailey knows the taxi to go somewhere. Not that I know if both of them knows this places at all. That is where my grandmom's place. My uncle lives there.

We are closer to 101, me and the birds on the Pentahouse.

I am listening to Eben what he wants to do, so I am telling you what I think we might do....not sure. But I am telling you few places around here since 2018-2020. Normally you report to these Digital World people with the full information, I Anna, display all in Twitter.

Because I did a lot of things for you all, okay!

.... ...

If you just trying to make it Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong...Sigapore...not China...to begins that conversation??? Those are population small places to begin???

You know what I am saying? People don't live and die on these you don't know the name of foreign lands? You just want the money, to stay in America?

Yeah? ETR offices are in Mid-town Toronto, I think.

How come you think the money just flowing in? You never want to start something small, steady, to make money? Do you even read books? Everyone story all telling you, you started small....you slowly to gain those experience, to become bigger and bigger world business?

You just want to be one day fame, like Adam?

On ruin his own future?

That is what you want to do?

All or nothing?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....