
๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ Craig Ballantyne - Early To Rise ( They have 3 guys in ETR), their mentor is Masterson, his book is: Prepare, Fire, Aim. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’


Last night I heard Kail were saying, if you don't make it with Craig Ballantye, you die.

... ... 

There is a such thing, you die? Or they gently asking you, if you willing to participate, as if your commanders are begging you to join the festivity? That is every military saying the "results" to me. Its how their commanders begging you all to be "self-improve" to become a better human, not to go to hell. They deliver sentient beings jobs....that I know of.

Do you hear me, I start this military crisis since 2015 behind Simon Cowell's back?

Yeah? Your parents are not in the military, or you are civilian?

Civilian, it will always be Craig begging you.....not your parents begging you. I cannot understand what Kail was saying it.


A normal person when living happy in life, they look at their mliitary advisor, or top guys, they are saying, there is something uplifting, and fun things to go and participate and have fun !!

I am the person just be happy and joy, to be there....Not that I want to be with Craig, but cooking skills to demonstrate, just to play fun? 

That kinds of reality?

You all girls don't want to drop your life....to face just one Craig here? He is very valuable, now...for that tiny movie Conan Detective...that role place is still very significant, for one ETR, Early to Rise.

Some people never make it to City of Hope, Whole Life Long ...You don't know that?

When me and Eben know each other in 2018-2019, 2 years. From Jan 2018 to Dec 2019

That is 2 full years, so I say 2018-2020, easier for your brain.

You know Eben's seminar is very very very expensive? There is no way, I will find my ways to say SMCH, get in there. Bow your head, and start learning your mateirals here. That kind.

So that time, if I were now, I would have thought that Eben Pagan will do something, so I get to that seminar? That is no way I gonna get there.

You want to start with that "Reality"? The seminar is too expensive to get in there? 

Eben Pagan, he does marketing consultant jobs.

ETR Craig Ballantyne, I think they do business around the world, international speaking even.

Both are similar, they do things internationally, meaning taken off on the airplane, they could use that passport walking through the airport, not like some bimbo issues, you never see the Pixies uniform to start ....

Taipei, Taiwan, expo,...they are every weekend.....Every single calendar months ????? That's the metropolitan area means !!!!!

You suppose to get to Craig Ballantyne, or find a way to buy out that Masterson, says....

"You have few options, Europe, America, or Taiwan right now? That is a business venturing, Elon Musk does things, or you all ETR does thing by yourself, Eben moving in with Anna, that is a marriage certificate, on a piece of paper you want, or you wish you want?"


ไบžๆดฒๅ››ๅฐ้พ = Four Asian Little Dragon (A Real Professional Asian Economic Development term)

They stretch from (Japan), Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, to Sigapore.

Japan they are not human

Korean they are not population

China for sure blocks the Google, they have no more internet connectsion !!

That is exactly what you are saying.

    TV: ๅ…ฌไธปๅฐๅฆน

    Comic Book:ๆˆ‘ๅฎถๅฐๅฆน

    Song: ๅ…ฌไธปๅฐๅฆน็‰‡ๅฐพๆ›ฒ  ( Stephen Tamang, that Ankeheseamen song)

Those are testing questions for : Representative candidate, or Successor what?

They say two terms...whatever that means. 

Military Operation, Sea ports 

These are all sea ports, okay? After WWII, these are the most famous place, to cut Korea in half, that is north and that is south.

The geographic location here....from the center point Taiwan, to reach out Australia, and Japan, those are by air routes.

Are you walking on land all the time, or you imagine, people really have lived in the military those big ship...there is better name than saying ship.

The warships, commanding ships...

Military Behind Hustile....Russian, Chinese | American 

This is Taiwan line, do you even check on your map? If you become the military commander, you care about the geographic location here. Not when you are just tiny nothing inside your unit, to imagine staying on the continent weather, you will get sick on the islander here weather?

The immune systems are different.

Do you check if Craig, they like behind works, like mlitary works, or they go to Hollywood to become Keanu Reeves? Their nature, do they like to be organized behind, not those flashy, getting too much television works?

They still making money behind?

Pixie Issues (The Border Patrols)

Do you check anything....that in-line. Inside the territory lines?

You didn't hear anything I say?

    That is Medical Groups, gone.

    1900 science groups, gone.

They are on the street in America? Yeah? How long you don't hear I say?

When I say so many times, they do tests? If I am really writing a medical textbook? Yeah? Well, do you want to take a test, to feel how devastating that will forever be? So...American I say, they are very very flexible, to be the Super Nation Number 1 military forces? You don't believe that?

They will get rid of the entire American continent lands? Right now ghost towns to spell guns?


Do you want to tell that to Masterson, the real situation...not you all want to go home? Seeing your Dean, your Seth, your Brunette parents?


You miss your cell phone. 

You are not sure where Taiwan is, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Do you want to sight seeing first, the area, where Anna is? The Red Line, where?

How to be Hailey that lazy, never need to cook, ever again, in one full life time, eat whatever you want, with maids they chef guys serve you, at the microphone places? To Sing a song?

That is where, I heard, they do tests. After me, Anna did all that...whatever....

    You check pavement road, if they made of glass, shining, sparkling...

    You check Niko and.... store (like Nikola Tesla)

    You check Muji Store ( like MJ 13)

    You check 5 Star Grand Hotels (Are they really fancy like Grand Hotel New York City)

    You check 101 ( are they really 10 painting, with ABC cooking studio, and what else?)

You check if there are night markets....its night venture.

You check Mark Chao, ABC mart, to see Harry Potter night lights, to say, at night....

You check all Anna's photo location to say, how not to ever drive a car here, its to use your foot to walking all the subway clean lines, jump, leap, bounce, to find things here?

Small tiny places?

You call "'Anna's home"

You reading Ryoya Takashima, and that W two world guys, age like my brother?

Same height guys? One in Japan, one in Korea?


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