Digital Era

 Joomla = Content Management Software

Digital experts, like digital librarian.

Librarian has many kinds.

    Instructional librarian

    Science librairan

    Instant message librarian

    Corperate librarian

    Public librarian

    Museum librarian

    Speical library librarian


    National Archive, Washington D.C

    Library Congress.

Google creates digital library

Hollywood create digital database, like IMDB

Database is a digital formats of storing records.

Librarian is manage these records.

There are many digital product guru, they talk a lot on the webinar, podcast, how this information tools are previling today, and can be acquire if you follow them. These speakers will teach you a lot of discipline in life, including recommending software you can use to manage your website such as autoresponder is a software.

We are walking already in the Digital Era for some time, after this New Millennium.

Its better you become fluent in this Era of new language before you fading out with the Time.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: Website preparing in progress....