
Wal-Mart has this longer folding table, similar to CADS. Linda likes Lee as a person....I am not too sure the exact situation that really happened in there, so I just say Linda likes Lee.

You Optimistic out-put groups, I give you a simple saying on the resume.

You see CADS photo, or you google it.

That table, you put people on it. Winter jacket, and textbook. I change my outfit and my hair style, to sit there, start opening every book and notes you makes reports, you imagaine you remember every words like you are saying it correctly...


ETR are Canada stuffs, they marry them away. What else....

Repeat saying your last line.

You are not listening, I say you re-write that same notebooks, 10 times, til you actually know that stuffs line by line.

When I specifically I say no facebook, and you insist you have one facebook....yeah?

One day you will force yourself no 4 limbs, when I say no friends, no talking, no parents, no sibling......

That books anything you say, if you make mistake in front of me...


When I repeat to say your IQ is zero and wil be minus....you do not go to party, to stablize your psychi, if you fail, you go to hell, don't bother showing up. That is Flower Thousand Bone say 1, I say I think about it. 

Eben happens to show up saying honest, he was a high school.....I did a 5 Lords Reviews, I know what the Heaven meant to say, or the degree of everyone else did to SMCH says.

So I give that tolerance one second.

But if you fail...that one second you get....because you imagine I have to take that.....wait and see that day, what you will hear from me.

They are lucky to get it right....or there are something else ET didn't tell me, I will find out when he shows up....shitty means.

He is naturally more a happy person, Eben.

He has that.

I am not sure whom his parents are. Most parents I have met in Honor Class, they look fine.

If I see disable parents and illness, i will tell things differently. In a very bad way, you will hear from me. But you haven't heard anything. I let it be, When the times come, no judgement I meant to say, just go and die. 

I have no words to say. That is parenting jobs. It looks a fine group top, it looks all right groups down. My Time is up, that basic tiny things you had....gone.

What else?

So when Eben shows up ....I will hear things they or he has done, what else he did with his company people, that circle of his front bedroom door, those human are his company come out an accessment report.

I need to know what that is. Meaning they handle my situation. I heard results, I comment when I have to.


When you screw up your life, out ! Permanently ! Etenally.

Understand? You willing to do all that....for !!!

When I say no black, One Obama, if below they meant too maid sounding like...they will all die, one Obama.

Just one him, One! No more black! Audience only obey rules, I have only one monitors, switch your attention or niches, or your could just poke your eyesball out, when I have means to do all that.....only I say so, not you think so!

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....