
Volleyball team has 7 people. President Xi 習近平 I think I remember his resume says 書記? That’s notes (book) keeping ?

That’s not the real player.

She? 巧如?Harry Potter dead bathroom screaming lady 

No, that’s not a back up.


We have no back up !

No, She is not a thing.

I never say President Xi is not a thing....唐太宗

Not even this life, he is not a thing?

You mean the Past President Xi 唐太宗, no, that is a thing in the past. President Xi is known, that is how he gets up there in today China's politics. I don't really know him or the others ones. I often just seen once on the photo. When I happened to trap in California....

I look at things I can use. I saw him. I know that is him. 唐太宗

But in that 3000 girls school, you don't just have one league of Volleyball Team.

I told you, there are different things in the wood....trees among, or the corner. WE are at astronaut telescope corner? Is that what that is? I never went ? How come I remember we has something display room or equipment room in the school?

Roller Blade club has a captain !  A public relation

We went to the boys roller blade club, to combine, air a public performance.

We are not a thing. They are the things. 成功中學的直排輪 ! If you just record it and look at them. Not us ! We are the girls only ! That is never a thing we do. That performance, I was the last one ...out. I am down. I mis the step !

I told you that story. That club....was their own things, on their own. I suppose only probably know only thing was volleyball. I didn't look outside.

People in that school, you can just make any friend, if you just open your mouth and talk like normal. You have every resources, of that brainy, if you open your mouth, chatting every door. If I were you all that calculative. I don't bother with that reality, that doesn't mean I don't know what that reality could be, if I even try ! 

If my legs to be that Patrick that long .....

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