
okay ...on 巧如. Comment : Some people do note keeping, because that is as far as you only know how to do, notes keeping. That is a volleyball team, we have a regional / National Tournament

She goes there to spy us, or she just happened to like us there, and stay....she practices too !  ITs too much on her weight, she never gonna make it, but she....why there?

But we all know....she had a jobs, real title its recording something I think. She happy to be at that jobs ! I kick her on the road out of my house.

I would not do that to Sanosuke?

I tell that to the China President myself.

She looks like...that high school muscal, my House Keeping high School Class, teacher.

I forget what I did to her too....They look alike


她就是長的像高中音樂劇那個迪士尼的審核者 ! 把誰給當掉了 ... 

💖 我是打電話 90 年代順便不需要電話簿...我第一次看到小郭 Jason carrying card.....shoot shoot shoot....那種卡片打開...片片刷下來的那種磁盒電話簿?

小小的那種,叫做簿嗎 ? 卡片,但是很長的一整疊紙...有點像你們的黃色但是連在一起,很久以前的東西,現在沒有人用那種東西 !

The guy like Eben

Like that Annca movie, emporor !

Jason? 小郭? He uses a phone book, small cards magnetic...the guy kind like Eben? I say, I have no phone books. You call them, its really just how many numbers you call them so often...you don't need a long phone book, no one using that stuffs.

Its inside my head. Correct. That was convenience that time.

oh ~ I cannot do Eben he does things, that is probably one thing if he is not jail or dead, I might ask him, what does he do normally for a living. 

If he told me he cannot go to high school, because....that reason. I might really write that on the notebooks. I don't think so. I think American would not be that exaggerating on that ....

I would say, some people go to school, to learn how to write notes.

Your writing are iligible, so you use your brain?

So write something down? I will look !

Some people cannot organize a summary, breaking down point 12345

Some human has no time, no paper, no money, so there is no reason to bother, there will ever be a history !

Written world history !  Things don't fall on the paper !  Its not convenience.

You probably think I lie to you all human IQ = zero. I say you re-write your notes like Ola does those notebook 10 times, literally re-write it ten times.

There is something wrong in your head, you cannot summary, summarize things the way properly !

And.... I never ask Brian, why Ola has notebooks....that, do you mean if you lose that things you write, you remember things in there? If you lose it, what will happen to your psyhic space?

Its not you remember things in there?

Or you remember something in there?

The familiarity? The cover of that notebook says Organic? oh i know that feeling, so I asking you that feeling ! Like the color of that words, or image, of that shape of the noteobooks?

Its a farmiliarity ! 

oh ? ~ You are in Medical School, they don't use organic notes in there. They use protocol probably. You use the textbook! 

The way .....how I conclude a none answering to my questions straight....how you all get into the medical school. Telepathic, guessing half way,.... all the way.

1. You know you go to the medical school, the first day you are in Dr. T class? Like the Honor Program Advisor? That competitive? Why don't you tell me, you were determined that in your middle school? Your  high school last year, you decide you go to the medical school program, the first thing, the first day, in your UB honor program advisor, to sit i Dr. T class?

2. If that is a true statement like Obama school, I don't have a brain on that. You mean you write a 100% notes down he Dr. T means? So you re-write them the second time? Do you take a note, or you pre-view the textbook, you read the textbook, you later re-view the textbook? In between you does T's questionsair he assign?

or you actually have to do every questions? So do you prepare that entire class for the MCAT That very same time, the first day when you see Dr. T Class, so you go to his office hour, no? He is not a thing on the recommandation paper because he is an Asian? You need a White Professor? So you decide your Intern would be?

Dr. T ask you?

He asked me, I say no. I went back to him, he says no.

I was not really understanding why he would ask me a question like that? I didn't have a future in my head, have I told you? So he would think I need a lab Intern?

No, he does not have a resume. I had nothing else to do in life .... Every office if they open, it would be my high school. 

3. So you have to keep that one notebook, for every, single class? The advisor assign you, do you ask them every single class, how relevant to that degree, you could erase those class by accident, no more needed professors ! Across and detele?

4. So that first year first summer, you need to re-view your notebooks? Why don't I just find Seth that time, we go on a date? There were 3 guys asking me out, same time, I sit in my room to open BTX. Real. I got disturb ...

5. You use that notebook every so often, or the last year...Dean would be 5th year?

no, MCAT or PCAT was junior year, 2 times, to you make 3 time on the senior year?

So Dean probably study in Oxford that is 5 years in total? oh ...

6. You highlight your pretty textbook? That thing is legal to highlights at it? If you highlight, you cannot SALE that every, single, books? oh...

7. You highlight your own notes? I cannot see ...your writing are so ugly looking.

8. You read your own notes, you are joking you read ligible on your own writing ? You mean, you arrogently tell me, that is too hurting if you admit you cannot read you own writing, so you pretend you are reading that, for your memory? I cannot read those notes, if I were you.

You only read things that is legible ! Why would people continue to make that mistakes, for your own ego purpose? You first writing things, in the correct, line, cross, alphabet, in the concise nice, looking, pretty stuffs, to be ....truly understand why you would ever use that notebook ever again?

So you waste every year, going back to your notebook? Why don't you just ask me Anna for that notebook, copy and print?

9. If you have money, you might really hire a tutor, when? Before MCAT?

10. You cannot possible the first day the first class see T, you all have a tutor? You mean the package guy, for interview purpose, like stand and cloth looking profession? Ask me a question, I mostly blank?

11. You cannot possible make me believe that tutor one guy, you possible make T become you and him enemy? your entire textbook professors? So this one tutor for all your package PCAT, or MCAT....I heard some people trying PCAT too...he or she is the same interviews talking guys? So you hire that the last year, after you receiving a new, you got in? Like MD board call you an interview, like Wing did. He told me he had an interview, so about how long days you have to hire, see, and say 2 hours, you get ready? I don't have a brain doing that.....hire a tutor, how? To make 2 hours, like I am now!!!

12. You would do all that for your preparation in class, so you face PCAT or MCAT? Do you ever tell your parents, those are too much money in the Medical School? You look at the mirror, there are customers say you look like a Doctor? you have a concious you can be the doctor? Really?

13. So you prepare 3 or 4 years,...or 5 years to get in that MD school, you apply like....I apply one extra curriculum, every their school makes a different joke on class, so I only can take one or two extra. No there is not a plan, that was....just whatever. 

14. You sent out like how many school? By weather channel? That is what Dean did, for his dream? oh ~ I can see that working out fate ! Twin !

15. My brother does this resume jobs, in his real paying jobs? He sent out like 100 resumes at least? combine by now.....You....want to just tell me what you ever do in life, to get that desparate? I didn't have a resume presentation. Like I have the paper. The things after the paper, its you go by memory to read that resume in front of a guy, I did that in 2020...he asked me, I sit there zero words. No words.

So he asked me a question about how to fix that room, I say, go to the cataloginig system to get the data first right...because that is my Intern did.  He asked me Twice. Can I have a brain to understand why I read him twice the same exact words I say? I got fired?

16. You use connections to see the committee, if I were that determined? English is a Greek, I know that in PCAT, I don't pass that, its the same SAT, its the same TOEFL, that feeling never wear out, they are exactly the same desparation I feel to receive grade papers, ever since I left middle school. So you ever....trying on Dr. T, ....PCAT is not related, because just the grade paper is not working....

17. So you have a facebook?

18. Now I know how your brain can work....you know what is a facebook?  So that means you go to clubs, or some intern outside like MD related? Jobs? PCAT they do this technician stuffs. In the Pharmacy, every UK, that time, my high school, I know that. They all want to become the pharmacist, not MD.

19. So you talk to your UB honor program advisor like a pal, because Dr. T...he is there? I would talk to a HONOR program advisor like you ask him or her every details plan of your life, like you look at your own mirror every morning, to say brush your teeth?


20. Do you ever ask your parents, why you would EVER be hired? Possibility? Really?

21. I forget how many more details to ask you.....to me, my brain cannnot understand something, I will tell you, I have to re-do this, Brain start talking to me, maybe I will understand. You care the notes, or you care Wing's new class? That's the reality?

I tutor both class now, upper and lower, so I know why there is ...THAT!

22. You really have a tutor?

23. No, I make it up you have a tutor, you go to Kaplan probably, and you have an interviewer, you talk English like....answering a question, to stand right? At the very end?

24. Do you know student interests, and loans? 

25. USMLE are 123.....oh ...

26. So Facebook is like a work you really know, or you guess it knowing, MD Board they look at it? Wing knows that too? or Linkdin?

oh ...

27. I think that is called My Space ....next by facebook. So anything that MD school has a list things you better do? I never see any human in anywhere I walk in, AYO offices? My offices...clubs.

28. Isn't they say extra-curriculum?

29 Some girls human in the upper sphere of professional, saying no in love, or else you don't pass the grade? Is that inducing pretend looks like? So you fall in love - rejection? You ever think that stuffs?

30. You ever plan your future husband, to be any this MD might be becoming? I actually hear that strange things on the guys side? I look at nick twice ! He is not on the map?

So ...girls plan, the guys plan?

You mean....why you are not in any offices inside the SA offices? At least the SA main offices? or Silas offices to begin an intern?

I am not survillience, but I will tell you, every corner I walk to, I find you? Not in the library every floor? You have a honor program lonuge or something?

31. NSC professors offices are chemsitry bind, not Cooke Hall. I live....walking. I speak French in that practice space, never tell that professor I got that extra points. I didn't have the courage to do that, so I quit that day. But I did have someone 430 height to next by me, we write a french introduction and I practice in NSC longue room, and....I went to class seeing Ayo, I quit ! Probably like 5 point extra !

32. You are not in any space in UB? So you are off campus? You are not living in the Williamsville, or Amehrst ....I check it before? Wing live there, but he works all the time. Neighbhor too far away....

33. So your tutor is your mentor? You would possibly getting another set of them, in USMLE 123?

You mean you study first, and you hire the tutor, or when you find out, you cannot understand a word in the books, after the first test scores? Your parents know you pay them, or they pay them, they say okay?

34. Can your parents be that no brainer, they check your statue in progress? That much huge money in owe? So they make sure your facebook looking right and nice? Why don't they just tell me they or you check every entry friends I might have, in case that is what MD board committee do?

Now I am rising to the Top, before I go to yell at them, where is Simon contracts.....on math reasons, and money, you would tell me what you all did?

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