
Correct, they kill the leadership, for all your mediocre exists, so I have friends all around, that is what they did.

Maybe prison, because that is National human, on Top

The citizen first, that is the motto, almost...including the China, they might do that. I don't know why they make the citizen has some right, so they have to bar down, their leadership, in case...they just know they have an authoritative power, to efface anyone just live a life, not to fight against the system, they rise to the Top ....

So people are dead, or buried, or ...get rid of from that existence ! They use lawful means to do all that.

Maybe they find ways to cope that, one day.

Current time, these leadership sometimes they do very very dramatic things, to say, why they are the leaders ! They don't give up life, they don't give up money, they don't let go things, other than in their power, to stay in that power.

I would tell you shallow surface of my conscious, only give them tiny....little words on their description.

I don't dwell to find out, whom they are, what they achieve, what they could all do.

That is not my life....I give it all up long time ago !

You can sue the system, everything I tell you, if you find out, you can be like Dean, organize to that, and sue them.

If any girl find out things like Dean they do things like paper desk, they just thought that is not the TV hero stuffs. Like Simon stuffs.

There is only one person would not do those paper works stuffs.....It just happened not a guy.

They will get their money back, their voice heard, they will get a lot of things in that step by step, leading the elementary school, kids, or anyone never open a Movie TV 4 points frames consequential disastrous outcomes, they profit in that end, and they will live that money, be more happier than everyone else around, and start a new life.

That is called the Power of the friendship, I choose them, rather than They....because China and Taiwan, no. We are not the same interests, you just don't need to know that parts.

Its a TV....kinda makes a happy, so the entire worlds looking great, and I smile for them, at you, so there are future life, to say, that degree was correct !

That is not real, okay?

oh no, I do what I tell everyone I does.

Ask 194 country, we have a situation in UN.

Open one border, of someone, whom knows well....move things swapping lands like Craig list....

Just making things right, for the leadership, they just money enough, spent, live, happy your life, that way. No one will say 100 years, any funny business. 

No...no jail. I don't care about the jail.

I have some power, then go and die yourself UN, start the meeting like you open your mouth talking real on lands, and lines, across and Time!!!

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