
Okay, how about this, I don't know how you grows up in the military, to have a brain or without a brain

You need to finish your college

You need to:

    Knows SMCH booklets UN, public disclose information like you have some immune system to Russian scientist/military.

    You better do a video talk on the weather, as if you live on the sea before...climate change. You need to look over what UN says or NASA says on that commercial saying SMTV on climate change. Whatever I said in the video, okay?

    You need that Conan Detective Crimson Love Letter, Craig Ballantyne+3 they can eat on a table you design a recipe and you invited 4 guys sits there chating, you busy whole afternoon before they are ready for the dinner. You plan all that, you tell the guys you are doing that.

    You need to figure it out what is a niche, and a small business plan (Meaning you need to give yourself a business logo, and a register business name. You don't register now, you are brainstorming to come out a proposal.)

    You start taken photo of your own face, in different angle to smile, to sad, to tilt your eye brow, you start learning that photo things in the ipad pro, or on your phone. Everyone is doing it.

    You random do any subjects talk 5 mins, to upload that video YouTube, and decode your own URL. Yes! I don't care what subjects are that.

    You need to get that WWII things border lines, what that is on Taiwan, figure it all out, here is democracy, and China is every day less than communism? Google is not in China, okay? They are using a different software.      

    You as a military orientation, I don't care how you magically purchase the map, that Taiwan has, you cargo the whole load, you distribute everyone around you. That is the map that Taiwan uses, okay?

    You look at the Conan detective there is a warship on going from that Irvine, Spectrum mall, california. Me and Silas going on a date all the way top...from there to Taiwan, you suppose to shape up your ears, to listen, your own broadcast information within your own military unit, if they ever talk about it. Go and find out the trailer on that blue sapphire, Sigapore. Its still a very very new Conan Detective Movie.

Irvine California, there is only one direction coming to Taiwan...okay?

There is only one direction, only one direction....by the warship ! That is called the warship, right? in this trailer? Big giant ship?

Do you want to occasionally going on a date with your Silas in Irvine Spectrum? Knowing you are not swap the land to Africa, coming toward the Bermuda Triangle?

Like anyone would ever do that to you?


Can you draw a map down, Japan, Korea, Russia, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, 澳門?

To Sigapore, and Australia?

I think you done it once, you will feel safe....really. Like not fansy drawing, you get a piece of paper put on the map, and you use their border line to draw down.

You for sure telling me, you know where is Japan, Korea, to my Taiwan area.

And China, Hong Kong and Casino place 澳門

Basic things you should know before you go on to that annoucing warship.....

And if you could talk to your both parents, you are going to a war zone, like WWII treaty, American fold that line all the way to China....as if you don't say, you don't know...American border line is not at California....

Its at here, Taiwan ?

You are going to die every time you telling your parents, not coming to Egypt to living in the luxury glorious life, like you might find out their...shining glowinig floors pavement, and malls interfior design....whatever makes sense to your both parents.

You should just hand them this entire lists, and have them watching you one by one checklist this things doing, or you partner without another guy, you will see how others do the map drawing, you envy, or you hope its a collaborating jobs, everyone how good they do those things fast....

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....