
Lee he is stressful, because he watches what you do, wrong ?

That’s ….not how me and Lee ever talked?! He didn’t do that !

I am at General chem.

He was organic chem.

It’s after he left to U Pennn, I took over his job, Linda just say that, so I do that. He is not there when I have to run all that organic !! Do you also have to run a channel? That’s in graduate school degree. 

Now I know how your brain function …you mean I look at Lee’s fault in his paper those things. No, I never did that yet …I don’t know anything in biochem.

So okay, CADS lab we say tutoring, if you make it say TA, what if your professor hire those PHD TA, they just resent each other in the lab?

That’s not how that works! You ever see all the TA resent each other ?

I am very sure I can handle that jobs tutoring 10 students if I have to, so I go and get 10 applications and groups them !!

No, you don’t have to groups them. You first started to see what your boss want. Linda didn’t specific say anything,….maybe I didn’t run the General chem those instructional white board session at their final, but organic chemistry I did. It’s 2 semesters final each year. We have 4 similar times we run instructional sessions.

Meaning 10 students shows up there together ? At that final time. I probably did more than once review on the white board.

They did show up !!

No, you are not required to do that. I was lazy so I do that ….i create a channel because I give them free video, I don’t have time keep repeating the same things 10 times. So they don’t need to come and see me. I move the paycheck more the office hour, it’s a lot better than general chemistry.

No, you only get pay if you have the students. But do you know how many applicants I take? 

No, Linda never say how many you take …

Okay, now I know what they are saying now …Lee is a pain, that’s what you are saying, not stressful only.

You mean Lee is a pain !!

… … Msybe Babaji or high tech they didn’t say clear you be there to become like me including the brain part taking class and literally be at CADS and talk !!

I didn’t know you are told to have a brain … 

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