
UB 5 Lords routes are stressful? 你們也去做那種事情?很有壓力?

 You mean Dr T and Dr Chambler class they use chalk and that’s stressful ?

Those were the honor class !! You have to really sit down and study those class, not walking to see Lords?

So Dr Fournier…?

Or you Imagine to tell me something was stressful ?

Lee? Before getting to APO at the end side of UB complex …oh ~ you mean tutoring was stressful 

The students don’t show up, I think maybe they are stressful ?

APO their office open…no Melinda lunch that’s not stressful at least, her boss near by.

So walking to third floor too far away?

APO offices ? Mark and Huffman always there saying we are where ? Paint glass just they do that, we walk there to see. I don’t paint the glass, I don’t know how and they require very tall guys.

You mean walking in UB all those underground too exhausted?

Back and forth ?

You build up your physical !!

They make you go to class?

Not just walking passing by to say hi Lords? Do you see Lords or they see you first? I …don’t actually remember !! You see them or you try to talk to them?

Honor class is when you see your advisor, Carol is not honor program advisor. You have to tell them you pass that National examine in UK so they waive you General Chemistry. But she says go to honor class Dr T class. 

The Honor Class chemistry

They don’t use power point slide if that’s what you mean. You be there and look at the board and write. Can you see the board? 

You think they are what? Competition?

What does that mean ?

So you have to started your class, you already resent to be there and resent all the competition? Is there such things you mean why they become yours competition again? One test is only 100 points. You get your tests on scores, there is a competition means? Not just by the scores ?

No, I didn’t see all these. Now I am told. 

They make you take class, that’s…suffering probably. The Lords routes are not fun anymore? That was not what I meant for them to do that on you ….I only say if you just be friendly there are guys in the classroom, you girls like those things…and the life be happy. I didn’t know you actually took the class. 

That was …not what I say.

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