A lot of guys like Simon, can do all that !
Lauren training 小龍 or her sister trainning 小龍 or Lauren training her own sister !!!!
You mean if my brother Pang, kinda NOT looking or internal becoming like that Sariputra on the TV screen?
He is a little bit like that !
With the girls, he polite, when he has to see big family, or upper family. Polite, to all your shorty girls. He is like that ! She does my hair blonde on the curling iron. He didn't behave badly like hit you or curses words. My brother I don't remember he has cursed words in him, or he could start having it without?
If he really plastic surgery to becomes that guy looking on the TV, oh no, you will hate him, to be that proud....that is just confident he does all that. He looks what he looks like right now, its finer.
He doesn't have my words, to be that English literate to make you suffer inside outside...but he understands certain things when he sees Lauren doing or that 小龍 doing or that Venus were doing (Lauren's sister)
Pang has family friends, cousins, and something all around. When you say, certain guys?
That.... definition its a little bit different, if you finding a guy, that doesn't have any family around, if you be that thinking outside the box at all.
Let's say, Simon's house in that TYG !!! Its a piano and white decoration house. Simon keeps things neat ! Simon does juicing green blend ! In TYG!
Lauren sits there.
I drag Pang's back shirt, "Let's go!"
Some human air its...a little bit different !
Some human attributes becoming a lot different, if you actually do hearing the line by line statement behind. Sometimes those words or profile someone does, will make you think a lot different where are all these people coming from, what they did in life !
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