
Do you know what Craig was saying on his presentation, whom are the clients he was talking to? What kind of business he ETR they doing for their clients?

๐Ÿ’ They must have a business they go and make money, base in Toronto City?

Do you find out whom the clients, you wish to go socializing?

Telling your parents beside the beauty pageant, that is your talent singing part, that is your cooking recipes seasoning parts? 

You know, me and Simon talks about ...that parts already. ITs a spice.

๐Ÿ’ Craig ETR they live in Toronto Big City Area. They are the metropolitan themselves, the whole Canada of them.

You look at their subway system? Nick he participates with the TTC? That is Anna's whom before? Do you look at their TTC, what is TTC? Do they know each other on that bracket of people, he is a humble bus driver like Adam meant, or like me Anna meant the lawsuit paper on eye sights? One of those funny tale, where is my money by the way?

๐Ÿ’ Eye sights, you wish to know, if two people living in the same household to fight about things, its because they both and see?

AT least that is convinence ways of some lifestyle, at least one of us sees?

Meaning do you want to fix your eyes, or fitness health plans, or forever youth face, by telling your parents, how to live up a better way of life, that you can own all that, to shine forth, with this projects or beyond this project to anyone around, you got some benefits of all this saying?

At least you don't do it for Craig? 

๐Ÿ’Do you know they are all reading some comic books import, and translate from Japan, to find the copy here in Taiwan, if they by the way here, to asking about the translation, not just Anna was saying the Red River Manga? Meaning ...Japan Valentines activities in the high school, its always girls making the guys the valentines chocolate, or chocolate cake!

You ever like some comic books to make the real amine foods?

But let's say, that is not amine foods, its like chocolate treats you brings some gifts bags and ribbons, or killing you all together how they decorate pretty and neat?

Your leisure times, to makes things pretty, decorate, nice design, be creative, and innovative, to brighten other people's eyes while looking on the display table?

You have nothing else to do, but to be creative?


๐Ÿ’ Why is Amine food important? I never say that is so that important, I say that comic book inside those real comic book chocolate culture from Japan. That is a book, that is not an animation.

Do you have something nice to try out? Do you like the stories, can you re-formating that entire story inside your mind, to give a quick summary, by reading or without repeated reading, what that is? What is the story all about?

Do you have anything you want to present to them, no matter what? You want to show your maturity, its how much you care about this amine food?

They eat or you eat?

Whatever that really saying it by me, Anna?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....