
Growing up world? That is Steve Jobs says? to...which one of them, Lisa? In Japan?

 First Amine Food video....

You know why Apple has nothing to do but station here?? .... its what they want to see, with them in it....

Do you decide what story to tell the Queen yet? With that fire?

In the Ancient China, before 4000 years ago....There is 伏羲氏

Those times the Kingship was not named with...whatever the Title. They are "Family" kinds of something of that Race name. But that name is very usual. They have the I Ching sequence.

Most people known more about the King on I Ching, is 周文王

But the Actual earliest known I Ching sequence is from that ...fire things, 伏羲氏



黃帝 (4000 years ago)

堯 (Go game, Yao)

禹, 夏朝, Big rain, fix the river. (The beginning of the dynasty, ended at 1911 dynasty Era)

湯, 商朝 ( Simon ! )

      周朝, 易經 制禮作樂


I think that is the sequence....maybe you have to check....before years 4000 from us, those are very legand by people. Meaning, just oral, or folktale stories.


You need to have a skill, okay?

Anything is fine. You see what you do as a skill, be proficient in that langauge. You can develop your language now, in 5 years, you will be better than today. You work on something, whatever is little, you accumulate that language on Top, and you become good at.

Internet has many language.

Niche is one of them. That is to define and narrow your own hobbit, okay?

Do something about what you can take leisure time at home to do what you want, if that business take off.

Last time, the statistic department, I wrote you parenting article, you design your answer with your parents yet? And this is the time to come back and tell me what happened? Assuming they all receiving your exactly friends groups military their parents, whatever they talk in between, how you all become skillful in "talking"?

What would that ever be, they read it to me? Its the story they think you read my statements, or they know in advance, I wrote that and hand you the blank sheet, not to become exactly like that? You know what I mean?

I am sure you design at it ...and? Do I want to know?


I hand you few statements with blank spots in between, so you filling the blank. Meaning I hand you the blank sheet and you filling in words....

So? You writing it clear, to tell them what happened, exactly like they think you understand the assignment, or they want to tell me, that copy has to be splits in half...and they re-type my answer, or you hand them the blank sheet with only my saying?

Meaning, they just read my copy only?

That kinds of beginning? 

You want to be a better human, in the end of all this and all that ....

Do you tell them that? That is what they wish, what you wish for yourself?

Just trying on?

Do they call your cousin, sibling, them whom has the girls classmate parents, if their daughters to go Cinderlla shoes trying on? Even Albert II knows that is a glass shoes, maybe he himself get a copy and trying it on?

Do you tell your parents Anna has the Climate Change video she says on and on, to go to UN you all girls with NASA besides, its the best things you could ever do?

Not just because you care about this tiny island what its on it.....that Craig and ETR or Masterson or Eben, they care about it? Being decent?

We have the stuffs on the island?

I think your parents planning on or praying on, that day will ever be, you all turn out to be a bigger heart than you used to be...you can start on the UN climate change talks?

You all so cared about this Zawanna, with CNN ~~~!!!

You know, I can only tell nick on things, that really happened....on the book formats, like words, like Chinese song, only words in that language ever be, and I sing twisted...

But certainly not I tell nick things, that is on CNN!!!! Its everything we don't say to each other, its on the CNN?


I am so dead ....

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 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....