
16-18 years ago, one PCAT, one Biology Invention, that is everything on the progress, that others already make sure things got set up right !

I think that is a very clear annotation.

And if you found out American knew that movie is real. I just don't have time to know that. Things were already in progress, what if you all sue them ! 

Under that system ! 

Erin is the monkey, my roommate, as early as T class that time. 2005/2006. No she looks like the best friends of that Mia.

I just don't know whom that American define "Mia" to ....

🥘🥘 I only talk to everyone in UB in general, I didn't know what you and your parents decide to do? Will do, or happened to do, trial, waiting? 🥘🥘

They suppose to be very very super busy....every of them, including nick ! 

If he has the money, and all the things he ever wanted....yeah he loves that weather, but the Romanian moves in, he says a lot of those things. 🥘🥘 He is the Canada one of the few National Emergency response human list name. Just for the eyes. Some human fight over things in life, inside the house, why don't they just say, beating each other up, not with the fist...with the eyes and start yelling at everybody...and when both going out...

"They are all blind, damf, mute ! Not muss, mute ! " (Princess Diary )

Nick says, someone one finger tip touch a book and read the book. He was ironically saying that, or he thinks human does that?

He can speak both English and Italian. No, he is super great at driving. Highly skillful, their professional driver. If you all doing things wrong, their TTC does, Anna drives things. Because I don't kill....you know how long is where to where distance? 

oh ~ They do those things in real life !

So is Eben dead yet? all his friends psycho dead yet?

💝💖💞 This human merits attribute, even Rockfeller eyes gotton laser....so where are their file cabin? You know what I mean? There is a Human Quality, Nobility Quality, Human attribute quality point?

oh ~ When I need this National Emergency like I am running on the Top, I am telling you, what are these past, and present to future, just only your eyes could see things, your ears to sound, in case you are all muted.....that IQ equal zero on paper desk jobs.

Nick cannot write. He uses Capital letter all the time.

He will never make it in notes writing, a book writing notes in a correct format. He and his friends only does yard sale, tomato plants, to looks like every greenhouse sounds perfect and right....those are useful things.....to do.

They plant every line, every cross, no killing each other plants.....smell. Totto does that, he has a son ....Simon says!

💝💖💞 I think Simon wears contacts, you know one of the thing nick and I have a bathroom, now I will tell you he design his sink on the top, there are pile woods, to collects his dust, and all his make-up beard stuffs. I never live with a guy to see....that much stuffs.

You use cream, so that is everyday?

I do make-up, I don't even do per day....

💝💖💞 I am telling you, that 15 lists things you do for the Flower Thousand Bones, no weekend, for the guys waiting you down stair.....that is a real assumption.

By human quality merits ! If you separate that lists....on the existing populate human....

That might be already a real list, what people really need to hear, the 5 sense without lists....flunk the human !

They are sad, they are pathetic, they are impaire, and they arrogence.... they brag, they cannot see, but they insist they seeing are correct ! 

Why don't you tell me you sure your memory seeing the space and time swap?


💝💖💞 And they could fall on the ground inside your own houses.... that is how the MD are train for the senior elderly human...their hip broke !


💝💖💞 You sure you ever ask your parents, there will be any human left on the planet? Do you look yourself at the camera, how you look at your parents if you dare to move your head and looking at them? Do you see they looking somewhere?

No, you don't look at your parents? You don't turn your head inside the house, when two people having a conversation?

So you were thinking to say? or you are blank to say? or you be nice there waiting your parents to say? So you look at where?

Their eyes, their face?

I have a blur in my vision, that is called the corneal, one of the round things becomes football. 

I didn't wear eye glass at high school, and now I think I sit really too far away. I wear eye glass in the UK started probably. That is what the TV JC telling me? Seriously?

💝💖💞 UB near I-90 eye doctor ruined my eyes.... but still, I don't just let go my life, not to see things less than I used to. You fix your eyes?

I think there are safe measurement, I don't do laswer...I don't need to be all that omni-present, so I don't wear the eye glasses to see inside the building human, I am telling you ! 

When you run SWAT Team operation, they take all the data to exam human behinds, for fun !

There is something going on, why people going to make an exam? They telling me true, there are agency, you mean developing human child IQ to become a better human, you mean every parents are similar like my mother? oh ~ I see no parents willing...there is no money.

Why you raise a kid again?

💝💖💞  I think my mother has a promonition, so she thinks she better raise the kids, not she intends to put all of us, in the private school, if my father getting his money back yet?

it sill be a jail still paper with the money, and an explaination why the movie become the Zero efforcer, if his dad....not dead yet? 

💝💖💞 This world has a funny thing, comical...these birds are mine?


💝💖💞 Someone else like nick and my mother, they heart taken with the birds freeze? I think even the guys next by us, the double E,....their entire camera scene on my monitor, inner vision....they lower their head, if those birds did what to them?

oh ! ~~~ 

💝💖💞 You would heart dead.....if they even try ! ! 

This guy, he design every steps...to his success blue prints, I don't know what he is doing, so I sent his entire world collaps, he is still not showing up ! 

What to do next? 

If you push something so rigid..... out, this guy doesn't show up?

The bird quack quack quack ....

I cannot understand a word he says on that paper !


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