
American probably use that rotten education system = they pick only the best !

It looks like !

But they don’t have …culture or tradition.

= the monent at time emergency = thinking outside the box

The moment of whimp thought on thinking outside box= Eben

He dares, gamble, poker, cards.

You should never have a daring like that. But this planets is very sad people living on it. A little flashy, bragging, airy like for bimbo to say WOW WO~~~

Stupidity only contains at the head space to say schematic…I think I have to crawl to jail, and find him an exit…that’s what he done !

ET are bad.

If you say human spieces are lazy, drowsy, flat, drunk, bubblely cursed.

The Grey…they hand you free, flat and surface, May God wish you ever hell to be ,..that curses looking.

That’s not your planets evolved yet. Not yet…

Not yet…there arrive.

You need to get out this planet, no, you don’t get out and you don’t go far. These entire planet …

They say central, how far it’s to the real galaxy you have a atmosphere cold air in calibration freezing degree?

Or the real central galaxy among the galaxy …

No, Reptilian put you “back”. They told you. True.

You think ET are nice and funny ?

It’s really May God always be at you surface floor flat …kneel, bags…

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