
The legal Case - its a brand new field. So UB, I was telling Dean to go about few things. I documents here...


Dean, you find all of them.
Sue Karen, each.
That is 10 at least you UB 10 combines.
With UFO Seth. Makes that 2.
(On Karen's case)
Make her bankrupt.
You finish all that, you ask Eben.
Eben and Me together. When I return to the US, we combine.
Dean, I don't have a time to watching the sailor moon, I never ask you, do you have any sibling?
You combine your parents, and if they see any Sailor Moon position spin into their names and saying...Like Adam Richards, has a friends name also Adam Davis, like my ex bf...that kinds of positioning spinning into a lot of this, you sue them, with all the TV stories telling you.
You have to go and watching TV though, Dean.
Technically, Adam and Hailey, they should both go to jail...so I don't care how they kill each other with Adam's friends, but yeah, if he is in the jail, and Hailey goes and do things behind, with that guy.....First I don't have that contact Dean, with Adam Davis.
So, you talk behind with their parents or church.
Another thing, Dean.
Silas was sitting behind me a line with his friends, there is a guy name Andrew, like Ella Enchanted, the first engagement?
He is a little bit bold, I remember, he might be a military too.
He is in that class. You need to contact Dr. Fourner?
Do you have that class with Silas, and Seth?
Which name does that song "I drive myself crazy" NSYNC version...how many video online is that?
Can you find Bill, or all of you, to go and find this professor in UB.
You show him the photo of ...which, you all looking like NSYNC 16 years ago, Anna seen you 5.
Can you ask him, to find this Andrew guy.
If he is investigating Adam Davis case.
He was with me all the time, in that classroom.
Was he assigned there?
Was I telling you Dean before, I had a bf with Adam, and Justin heard that too?
I remember he told me, he was a military???
I cannot remember. If he is not, never mind....no, we are not touching hands, not touching faces, Dean.
But I need you Dean another things as the Medical Doctor can do....when the movies turn real.
There are things about people on relationship, if they never date in their life.
You know what I am saying?
If a guy never pursues that girl, or the girl or guy reverse....I see something in that nature, not the story format, not the content. I mean in a general mentality, if you never had a serious relationship, you should not go to Hollywood, to ask them to becomes yours....ever.
 You use that to safeguard Hollywood. a bit
 Just says, I say so.

You can put a crowd on my head, when you do that.
Anything in that nature, put a crown, says I order you to do all that....that kind.
no, Dean. That movie turns real, gonna be from now on... Not entire humanity gonna knows.
You set that laws in before.
They will lose our case, as the first case. We do that. We setting the legal system in, now. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ž
You work closely with Eric on that. UB meant, they want you guys stuffs, to be theirs....so the way I understand, its they want to handle that all in one package, so if Eric cannot do it, you talk to UB, Dean.
You find someone whom you can talk to. You say, in case Eric fails, for whatever reason, that is one person efforts, you want UB as an organization, or Corperation on Top to handle all that.
That will not be one legal firm to handling that, wherever Eric is at.
Not one legal office, that is what I mean.
Sometimes with the Corperation or the Educational Sector, they got different lean way, with the progressional of that laws. Because we have too many things happened in here one campus.
Too many things.
And Dean, you try to put military on another sheet, to see if UB knows, they are the same groups, or grouping them under the title: Military, whichever unit they were on.
Yeah, like the legal case, that to do with the Military.
Because of the Hollywood, might be some military in it too. So you set up that parimeter at the local region, before going into that Hollywood.
And, Dean, you ask Bill, or them all military person, you say if they go behind their unit to inquire, if any case....
Legal case, you want to bring it on the court room, this time, with all this Anna's cases? After they reading all that?
We do ahead of time, right now.
Because 5 Lake region, they are defensive lines, for the fresh water resources, Dean, you need to put those files in, also on the immigration level. Ola is hurting Poland. That immigration will go and barring any entry of that country, to transpassing here to get to Hollywood.
Set up a defensing line in the court room, by cases.
We go first !

Also, I need these laws, to put anything, that might coming to 5 Lakes Regions, of those Chinese 5000 years Artifacts....to make a future road map. No one transpassing here.... ilegally to get anything with that.

And when you groups yourself UB, and organized right all those materials, Dean, you go to ETR, and ask them, because MAsterson still alive...is anything that you wish to coming in with the law cases, to do with Conan Detective - Crimson Love Letter?
You say, do you want to immigrant to US, this would be a special case in regards to TV turn real cases? That might safeguards you all a little bit.
Masterson I read he is from America.
You ask them ETR, how many of them are from Canada.
You say immigration offices, might be interested in your case with these too many Conan Detective Movie lists from Japan. Too many cases Anna reads.
We submitting first, and let the immigration offices to decide that? 
You need to ask Eric.....is he by himself, one person? He has other friends, all his age, for the laws? Too many things, Dean.

The immigration never had a law to do with the Movie Turn Real, special workers Visa?

You need Eric to learn that materials, or all the American lawyers or Canada Lawyer, with law firms to learn this one case....do they immigration offices in America, wants to set up that one case, with this?
ETR 3 guys, are they all from Canada?
Do they acquire US citizen, or green cards?
Are they willing to enter the US, for that immigration statues.
This will make the future easier.

I also wants Eric to see, if...Tesla, Rockefeller relationship was on the records behind.... all these conspiracy theory has nothing there, to support that...saying.
But my mother gives up her green cards from us, because she is safeguards us a place to stay, including money.
So, can she be safeguards to go to the US, that me Anna in the future to make that money, for her to transpassing here or Taiwan, easier?
She gives up her visa, Dean. The green cards.
No, we are not going to the Rockfeller Family stuffs....
But if they contact you, and saying, they want their stuffs back....
Tesla is from Venus, I have no stuffs.
I don't mind if they do anything for her.
 How I always end up without stuffs...
Another guy, nick, he is TTC guys. He drives very good. Seriously
The driver's movies in Conan, are similar like Keanu Reeves Speed.
I don't know anything about the public transits, or their roadmap, or rules....
If you can ask the immigration, or Eric, that kinds of the things to be working at, if they someone hiring him nick, just go and working on that stuffs, with ETR Craig they so many movies next by....In that entire Conan Detective Movies series.
Because Dean, Conan Movies, are only numbers, not like Conan Detective TV series.
The movies series, they only have one film per year, and they are all on around my birthday.
Nick knows my birthday.
I don't have time, too much time to work on them. If someone puts them into the right jobs, for them to watching the movies, and tell me what they think, and I look, it might be helpful, when I return to the US, and see if anyone get the tapes, we watch together?
With what they say?
Maybe Washington DC they need to form a committee advisor board, like Dr. T's wife used to be in one of them....you say, can they get this things together, at the Congress now, or near President : whatever the name on movie turn real, advisor committee board, to the President?
There is a TV drama, on my TV, its called the Secretary States?
Its a women !
They can train 1000 Secretary States Women, you know?
We are lacking of the right minded women, at this time, Dean.
Lacking lacking lacking.....no matter how I train those I used to collect Organic Chemistry science groups women....
oh no ....they getting married and leave those jobs.
Nick has a pension, so he scared he has no more pension. Is there a way, he doesn't need to lose his pension, and also can still get paid by working something together with you all them?
Dean, I met a professor, whom teaches I Ching. I say that on my resume, or one of those posts.....
He is from the number University Here. Taiwan National University.
I Ching Professor
I don't have time right now on this I Ching, but if you bring him over, to start living and looking after anything with that Taiwan National Museum stuffs? ๆ•…ๅฎฎๅš็‰ฉ้™ข
He can start training people like Dr. Bing Shen.
This professor is from Taiwan Local, he teachers I Ching for a long time, he has a YouTube video online.
That is how we talked, so we have few correspondance.
Can you find out with Eric, all this people situation with me?
Taiwan might have other blood lines stuffs....I just don't know what's on here...when 50 years ago, what did they do, to move here.
I think 1949?
What exactly do they bring here?
I only by me one person. That is not a lot of Taiwanese. He can go through movies, or going through Special Worker Visa? Through US immigration?
And Dean....I cannot call Eric name, my head is so hurting...
okay, I say "Dean !!!"
Can you just find out, a better connection in that US immigration offices....you say..."Anna says, can you just send you Eric a list, what exactly the name, Anna meeting strangers...like Dean says in the Frozen Movies, that she grabs, or you grabs? She knows that, what you made of....can you do all that yourself, give you Eric the list? Anna has too many things to do, sometimes she forgets....too tired too much works, too much things going on, in too many directions."
okay, one more...Ryoya Takashima, because in 2018-2020 That is the guy I compete him with the cooking stuffs?
In the Porslin doll trailer, opening....The US immigration always say, those things are important !!! But he is from Japan.
He plays Cello now. Many years pass....He does Vegan stuffs.
Annca are in the video, magazine, BAZZAR all over the places, Dean....and Eric....
Why is Eric so dense on my head?
Dean is more hopeful?

What does that mean?
Frozen: Wolf Chasez
 Frozen 2: Show yourself
And Dean/ Eric or Dennis...
this is one of the boring things I told Simon in 2014
Pirates of Caribeans, their movies went into billions revenue.
Can you guys documents that, now?
Just...for fun?
Does Dean called whom "Spen"?
Spencer, or Spen?
That is not on the transcirption here video on YouTube. The cutting through ice that scene.
I remember there is another movie now...cartoon.
The Good Dinasour?
APO has my nick name Dean, Little Foot, or Big Foot?
That is in the National Archive, but that is another movie, I name myself nickname in APO.
The Good Dinosour ( Pixar Movies)
There is a comet in it ....
Dean....you want to do a decent human....whom are to be homeless??? Just happened to be here?
 Trailer 2 - Good Dinosaur

oh ~ his name is Spot! not Spike !
I always don't remember this things in details....
Arno or Arnold?
oh !!!
Trailer 3 - Good Dinosaur's Father Death

 Dean is your father alive?
This is the strangest things, now I think of....
Story on Good Dinosaur's Father, return!
Not arnold !
 Halo, 26, are in VS, and in OU language.
Victoria Secret 2013 - Heavenly Body.
 That is my family line
That halo, position, to a girl back stage lookng, its Connie position to that Nick's daughter-in-law, position blood line sequence too.
Tina, Connie, that is Criminal Mind.
That is the same model, Connie. Nick's daugther-in law.
Carla is a nurse, like Erin.
That model name before that, her name is Erin.
Victoria Secrets's model.
Like SMCH, is a nurse too.
Victoria Secrets - 2013 Miley Cyrus 

Sometimes I don't even know if they care about this things, to say why they are legal?
So I say so many times, I feel nothing works, then I don't bother repeating it....but they heard all these before.
I spell wrong, Mylie....oh !!!


I think that is Tina and Hank has not divorces, not in America, but Hank already has a gf in Taiwan, to sit in public with audience to witness the vow, to dinner.
So they have a kid already, she was born this year, May.
That has nothing to do with the law, or there is?
Hank got citizen through Tina, in this marriage.
Eric, that counts?
Eric, there is a lotto on Grace, remember I say nick ex?
12 years long Grace with him?
She is on Prince William's news.

Eric, that was in the beginning of 90s?
But Grace got 14 millions dollars, and her tickets are split with her divorce paper, 7 millions with her husband.
She has 3 kids.
That is 30 years ago....Its a legal work. The Divorce paper.

There is a such things, the lotto company getting their money back?
Because of these? Really?

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