
I need the animal groups, US and Taiwan, 我需要動物協會這邊跟美國 ~我的食物今天那隻蟲說,那鍋熱的新煮的進去垃圾桶 ~~~!!!!

 There was a bug, today, saying, my food, that hot, entire whole things going into the trash can.

Meaning I eat the same thing every day, and they eating the same thing everyday....

Can you help? Them?

你們可以幫他們一下嗎 ? 換一下鳥食...我吃什麼沒有什麼關係~但是他們人太多了 ...所有動物界他們全部都長一個樣子


Also this morning, there was a bug dead on my heart top, left position, on the shirt, I tell my mom to go and washing it. Its a whole piece, cuddling in...I wipe it, its all blood.

I don't remember I got bitten. That misqito. I was too tired last night.  

還有今天早上有一隻蚊子死在我的衣服上面~心的右上方的左邊~~~我告訴我媽去洗掉,我擦掉的時候全部都是血 ....有點 cuddling in

大概是我 cudding in sleeping position? 我睡覺抱著我的親愛長的抱枕...

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....