
The childhood competition

 One Direction has this story, I used to hear about …

Because Simon has different groups. And these guys they come from street ? Not Ilno Divo

When I was small, competition is all the time to put up the real numbers …let’s say, I am number 1. I did arrive there. In the Go games. In all the competitions I ever did, it’s endless I will tell you that…you make it to all the weekend to compete, so monthly to which month there are bigger events.

You do things step by step, middle school, it’s entrance music competition, high school, it’s the examination to the Lady school of that entire city. Then volleyball competition …roller blade we combine performances …

Madrigal, they compete but they do public performance …for bank, fund raising.

You go on that routes, in your experience, I will tell you, I got tired of it, so I retired in college.

EF we had this grand hotel speech …it’s formal red carpet.

Cello elementary, they are all grand hotel 

Music classic are grand hotel or venture to compete.

No one does this what One Direction says they come from ? That’s street means. Then they have drug issues. It’s on their faces, I am telling you. Do they fold ALBUM name is four?

When I now see Ella Enchanted to remember what Adam Davis might do…poor guys in that community, I was shocked!

That nature just so horrendous how people say they come from street and how cool is that. 

Friends - what’s around you, by education !

You suppose to know the education you received is not to mix up life with the street ideas you read in the novel. Never !!

Or the movies or the story telling. 

Your mind is not steady.

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