
I am saying that, we don’t do face card competition, those are craps …people compete like hell, and there is a retarded face card?

 That’s so bad.

You all working towards Craig, then go to the stage, on stage, looking down at the audience. Most people are blind anyway ? You ever go on the stage and tired full day and go home, no one cooks a decent meal, to say 花千骨  a drop of blood?

They do things in the seminar, that’s facing a good amount of public that the real company don’t want to see face card issues if they go to negotiate a deal, behind !!

You should have a brain …

Like …

“Like I don’t have a solution to your company issues, this is what you say to me….”

You repeat what that agent say to you 10 different things of that same statements he make….

“But Eben is around, he might have a solution.”

I have to tolerant this photo, maybe you should ask Craig or Masterson, if this things shows up on their private YouTube account, they immediate says goodbye to you? You want to make a Youtuber channel, all yourself video for them to define if you are one of that?

I will suggesting you doing that. 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....