
This is for Michael Vartan scripts


Life is like a circle, a social used to be circle.
That accompany you keep, to becomes the tales of the 4.
The listening of some wise words, you ensure you don't heed to it.
That, let alone, how deep within, you all say, you are on a planet just a lonely soul.
Physical hurting is just the outside felt....you have to be down in truly fallen in love, and from within, you truly felt loving, cuddling, hugging, to see Life with the Light that shines....was the Gods' prayers finally heard. And yet, with all those flowery felt, the moment of a life time, to breaking that bonding....how truly remorse, of a life time, you do not heed to your Master's calls !

The true life of winning and losing,
You all believe otherwise,
Its how humble you are,
To repeat the words of Wise
Life has many turns.
In this gain and wane worlds,
You stretch your arm out,
You peek for your edge of your eyes blinks,
And yet, that very soft moment, of weeping,
Its never you say ....God alone, never calling.

Pretentious of a moment,
Between a guy and a girl,
That trust behold,
Its just the words that Read,
Not even the true phase of Life, to say trumpet
Its how sadden the face,
A guy could tell
To their hearts, all these meant not a thing to even think about,
Why uttering a word of someone else a poem,
Meant a things
To your deep within your soul ....

 Where were we on your drama poem class?

Sadden by the monent,
Wining without a breath,
Hard work requests others to soar high flying by,
What is that could?
Of a moment you all wish you would?
There is not a day, you are certain
Things where it ought to be
Someone suggests you a blink moment untie yourself
It was supposed to meant a beginning of a friendship.
What you lose, was a gamble.
That of every turn of that day on,
You knew deep down, that everyday Truth unveils,
The scream within inside,
Its no one unheard unbound.

Life of the music and the YouTube sound,
Its movie all entwined surround.
Its the formless degree, to say shape within and without.
That frames of limited books or television
Like a magic of itself.
What's that the touch screen with a finger tip?
Its the frozen moment,
To be unfound
There is nothing to be fear,
When those all around,
Its all Anna's friends of their class unwant
But then, the noise will die down,
When the time, the groups leaves,
Its you and your worlds, to become.
That everyday you cultivate a secret.
And how far that each and every moment you see,
What you are not seeing right now?
The burning fire of a tale,
Its to undone by the true will.
Each that awaits, alone, of your own home unit,
You thought going alone, its safer without boundary to untame the unwanted to the movie wants.
You sure that within that every want,
You see yourself truly be wanted?
The moment of a Truth may not be the death bed you are to be told
But how many years and decades pass
You thought your every dreams and hope
It was not the first day
If you would, you could, you can
Be that little low?
What if ?

How is the life untame were the quarrel to surpass?
To gain that trust back
As if the Lords of 5 didn't hurt, the too. two....too.
That many supportive evidence shows
How the end meant the end,
What could be the legal battle,
If they take everything from you
Or you have anything to offer them
True relationship nowadays after passing age 25
You become a student again
But running that class of that person
Heed you several warning undone
Its your wish to the path to the underground
How life another day will spell like a merely wish in the head?


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....