
Yeth, where are you?

 Yeth: I am not here. I am at Mars

You mean you are not on my roof or you turn Earth to become Mars ? You want to come down, the screen door is open.

Yeth: Okay

How am I going to prove you are real? That’s Seth and this is you, are you exotic traveler ?

Yeth : … no.

You wish others to think you like ones?

Yeth: yes…/no.

You want to meeting one? My house TV CNN?

Yeth: right.

How many friends you take?

Yeth: 3. No. 4…no. I don’t remember.

I don’t remember where is my that notebook, I thought I leave it there, did I throw it out?

Yeth: no.

There is a lot of things blurry to me, if I throw it out?

Yeth: I don’t know what you are talking about.

Ginny has a notebook. You just took my notebook?

Yeth: no.

Okay, if you could just keep it right, that book has stuffs in it 2017.

Yeth: I know.

I throw out all the rings and clothing, would I be that stupid to throw away that notebook?

Yeth: I don’t know.

Okay, never mind. Babaji is looking for you.

Yeth: no, I think he is looking for you.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....