
Me and Eben hasn't got together, he is a dating guru, as you might see it, when he talking about the dating advice. I myself don't have the resource to go to a lawyer, but he has the lawyer.

 We met on Legally blonde 2014. Maybe officially. I told him that. I remember that. He has a lot of investors, probably don't like any of you attitudes. When we all are trying to meet the deadline schedule, you all just pretend there is no response.

You want to email Eben, and explain yourself, because he might look more serious. He has a lot of investors, you all want to convince, them, they should tell you all get sue, and pay the money and damage to me all these years called 16 years, like the song says, so China withdraw whatever they are doing or planning to do?

You don't understand what we are doing?

I will tell you what we are doing. We are streaming to find some legal methods, to appraoching to this Digital Era, with the laws that can facilitate this transition. With the step by step the legal procedure and the face recognition, we put pieces of puzzles together legally, so legal society has a documents, these things did happen, there is nothing lie about. It is as it is told.

The exact reasons we do not know yet, but we have speculate, these scripts details a story around roughly, A to Z, these points.

By having so law procedure of these, in the future, we might really just capable to move the ET on the court room stands? 

You are not exciting you are part of it?

We have no law surround these digital frames, to do with me Anna Jao, but all stories are all around me? You want to profit from ET?

Don't you want to profit from ET?

Don't you want to profit from ET?

Don't you want to first locate, where are the ET, doing all these to you, and if they admit, they could sue you sue me, sue all at the same time, they are high IQ ET? Where you about to win these, if you face ET alone?

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....