
Hi Tamang, today I saw the trash bin with one plastic wrap on, next to another garbage bin without the plastic wrap on.

 I save Wing and Dean.....and now that is you left? There are too many people name Stephen, so your name is right now be known as Tamang. Why you have a gun on the facebook? And what on earth you pick a domain that is Gallbladder field?

You telling your parents yet? Your brother, how do you find me here? Jonathon tell you?

How to save you....don't you like SD University and your clinic little tiny worlds?

You have a Smallville, that you got adopted by Venus, Frank and Francius, X-12 Tesla Vensuian Ship biography, ever read it? Its on Amazon.

I have no ideas how to save you. You put a gun on the facebook, why did you do that? 

What I can tell you, Tamang is... there are things you like to see, there are things you will see.

On the movies, how it is developed by me, freely distribute you information, and ought to have an attitude to look at them. That is after I clean junks behind you all back....behind all your parents back....It does take some times. I didn't know we have to go and tell you.

Now, you know about Tesla?

There is something called Mckey, and John Shepard. I see a song, called Ever Ever After.


There is a meeting of a true love story, again, its called Real Love, and Loving the Silent Tear, by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Do you know now, that title of something is very very important?

Let's say, I use high tech for a pretending reason, what would that be?


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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....