
hey, I have a movie, its called the "Ghost rider clip" - Police (2007) Nicolas Cage


Where is the Court Again? 

Do you want to now investigating the people whom stole the map, and these Bermuda Triangle Lines, if these ghost police just take them go? 

Base upon, I have a crown, and they hurting me? 

If they insist taken them, you make an order?

What if they make them an ash, after? You verdict ruling or not? 

Do you actually know what is 3 esteem position in the Universe? 

You kneel, and flat yourself. So...if you want to retain a democracy worlds, after they coming in, and their attitudes are bad for my part to comfer me a bit....they all do bad things to me.

You don't bring them to justice? or you wait until that happened? 

Based upon Bible says: She is spotless, no dirty, that line. Completely pure and white. You are not listening? So? They taken them to directly Bermuda Triangle, you taken them or not? 

I am asking you how you gonna confronting high tech? 

You ruling Bible or not? 

What if their attitude is very very bad, for my parts? Karmically, you lose, you know that right?

You sure you want to do that? So you secure the humane parts of the world, okay, so you could face ET saying this saying that, neh or yeh?

ET is always gonna coming in with the winning position to every advantage that is convinence to themselves. You are giving them a chance. What you gonna do?

oh ~ i know them. They did flawlessly. 

No karma. Your classify, however, those whitsle blowers creates a lot of karma.  A lot ! 

oh, no, you are not going to win this high IQ, they given the exactly things you all wanted, "education", but you are all very selfishly to keep things in.

So what can you do? Wait for session, asking for a jury, a group of low IQ human?

Really? You gonna lose all of it. Karmically, meritly, universal court even, if there is outside waiting already. 

okay, you figure it out, how to do it !!! To sustain the little kindness little prosperity society formats, or they kill the entire planets away. 

Open galaxy means the True love and Loving the Silent Tear. So they plot their birth, their wife, their kids?

Do you understand how the ET works?

You just win yourself a verbal beginning, not the later date karmic retribution?

So how can you prevent all that?

What is your legal system allows right now, you have time to think, time to react, time to investigate it?

There is an activities of the movies, I suggesting them to make a group activities, but they might be all very into their own very life, other than....this "everyone's life, including my life on hold" so they could have a life to breath...

What are you gonna do? Force them to decipher the movies?

They are place on the Bermuda Lines, that is called Henry's Crime. Its a Buffalo Vault from Keanu Reeves movies. Meaning the money. They called the police, or they suppose to sort it out first, to communicate with me, first? Nothing....meaning, they just behind my back to collecting the evidences, for their self interests? 

So are they hurting me? And everyone on the lines?

So what you gonna do about it? Felony? Federal crimes?

You know, this entire things? No one cares about nobody....they used to be sitting in the same classroom, I pass by.

I pass by

I pass by....

People don't need each other, why I work so hard, as if they should have a future? For their parents?

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