
Chemist, or Industrialists (Business, notes) 化學者、工業者 (商業,筆記📒)

When is the last time you see money?

Like…coins, paper that stuffs, besides cleaning floor waste, river stream and unlimited detergent …green environment so my IQ= zero?

You know, I have seen real things like Tina’s desk junks, super big calculator in 台北火車站的文具店,提那其實只會收集那家店的垃圾,叫做螢光筆我自己挑比較好!


Even the pollutant air like…. You know whom, those pollutant vapor factory waste air, it’s still I say that, you know. That’s chemistrist jobs = Green House emission, they just say 工廠廢氣處理!

🏷🏷 So from yesterday, maybe I thought environment is charity, like foundation ? There are things my IQ often at zero you, so imagine someone else IQ problems. 

🏷🏷 So assessment report is to evaluate the situation, that’s not money right? We pay or they pay?

When we will get paid if they keep doing that, that’s not business at all. 

======= Business (notes)

Human to human relation, government al agency has meeting, bidding ..that’s money. Money = business. 

City hall, commence …

Assessment is environmental 

Flower is a garbage.


🧨 If Eben shows up and tell me that’s not a business …everything I did is zero money.

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