
You want to go to hell, or you trying to tell MD, why they need to help you? They already know you have the problems !


Correct, you will be lay off, and if you do on purpose you hide those books, you imagine they don't know, and you just pretend that jobs meant real MD has no responsibility over that....maps you holding inside dark thinking.

That is no more free choices.

When Eben shows up, I will ask him if he investigate it. When I start talking about it, i was not all that realize how bad things went to thriller. Knock Knock Keanu, I didn't even watch the movies, I am telling you.

oh ~ I have no shames telling you what I read. I already don't pick those works when I was in the middle school.

Tina doesn't borrow those murder with bloods neither. WE don't read Detective types of works. But my brother I don't know what he reads. He reads Twlights!

oh~ English is a Greek means, it will be erase in my memory anything looking like a book, I am telling you.

You suppose to tell me, you have a crisis on the books you are hiding !!! I didn't know all that !!!! There are a lot of things I don't do !!!!!


What will happen to you?

Normal Citizen they are not MD jobs, they are free to be sicko ...but their parents will wish them to cook 3 meals a day for themselves, because the money may not be there for them. All the generation, Anna keeps saying it all things all clear, again and again.

No, they do not put you in the FEMA camp, you wish them doing that.

Do you hear me? You wish you wish you wish they give merits this one life, you go and cook 3 meals learning. They may not. Meaning, if you live in Taipei, me and Eben, we can just go down stair and pack some foods if we want to eat. In America, we cook.

You can just imagine you have money, and all buying instant noodles, no more raw tomato cucomber salad.

Very very dirty you all looking to me.

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