
๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿณ Queen (England Princess) ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿณ

You called England Queen, Majesty, your highness....do you get those title right?

Whom care what I called her?

She is more happy when she was England princess, that she goes to giggling everywhere in the social events, she dress what she wants, she photograph what she wants. That credit cards you see in her purse, that is their military staffs controls it, she has no money with her, not there anyway.

She is one of the happiest and content person on that sphere of world. There is no reason why I make money, I cannot accommodating that? 


You going there, for Flower Thousand Bone Episode 17 already? Or you are planning to go?

I was not told you are anywhere going...beside the war zone here....to fight China line. One of those tales you are telling me, you going your East, or you going towards your West....

China is known as the Eastern Orient country, but you going from California, to the west side, you arrive China.

You call America or European country, as the West civilized worlds...not Indian third world country world, you will have to go to your East flighting modes, you will arrive Italy, or north of all that, called EU places.

Got it?



Maybe you won't even arrive there, if you keep mixing up your flighting mode from Irvine spectrum, that is south of Califoirnia, you arrive to Africa if you keep straight flighting towards the land? you see lands first....

That I feel so safe with you, if you come ever around. Even the birds might be more useful, if I give them the map, they know where that is at, England?

If you take off from the Irvine Spectrum that big mall with the big wheel? You go to the land mass for a long time, before you meet the sea, from that point on, you left Aemrica, to across Atlantic ocean, you hope you don't get into those Bermuda Triangle flighting zone, so you best routes for you to go to Chicago, like everyone knows how to do those things...and from the Chicago, that is where the 5 Lake area, you flight to New York City, for the last stop, to get oil supply, and from there you cross ocean to go to England, or Paris?

No, you would not meet Bermuda Triangle, if you keep fighting north East.

Queen is, "Your Majestry...."

oh no, she is not that Princess Diary, ever...no. They teach her how to be a princess before she becomes a Queen. But really when they just become the prince or princess, they just ever stay there to be their prince or princess....

You are not ever going to talk to her, so that is not how you care about they are prince or princess....my jobs if ever getting there, would be their patents issues or I forgotten issues, I never went back to check those patent pretending I didn't see it, okay? 

I had a lot of shocks what I see on the patents, a lot !

Say again, what you go to England for?

Banquet, I only be told that is Flower Thousand Bones, their England own Prime ministers setting up their educational department, on that....whatever I don't think Queen is a Queen, a prince is a prince...they cannot see. They trying to copy something....

I say that is Dr. Gabriel, or Bashar....or The number 1 Academia performance in China.

So I have no ideas whom they selected to be on those table, they use exact similar table, so those kids, they look ....very blank.

They are very uneasy, too young looking.

They have no ideas why they are there.

Because that is an Ancient relate war strategic words in China Art of War ! They didn't specify in that title or contents of that Flower Thousand Bones 17, its only I Anna keep saying that !!!้ดป้–€ๅฎด !!!

I don't really think if just eating a banquet, it could be this much of fuss, really.

Its for the educational department. If they try once, just to see, I didn't see Queen are in the Flower Thousand Bones, but I am sure they told her, there are something going on in her own mansion? 

You suppose to go and tell Tim Cook.

Because that Episode was my routes in California. 

I see Dr. Gabriel, Bashar, and Kryon, I landed in Zero Apple Cupertino !

I was saying in America, I didn't tell England to do that. They done that, they telling me?

Why would I ever go to England to boss Simon and Keanu?

I cannot just tell Apple, they go party on their own with Google, their cafeteria in Silicon Valley, all those high tech company, they did pretty good, if you just google it.

I tell Apple, I didn't tell England. 

But when I see something .....close to, I thought an observation, I throw England something on my webiste, its called the England Kitchen.

At that time it was roughly the time, I was writing the Sitesell articles, I was explaining how to Eben, I used to do. I didn't know Eben already know what I used to do. We just met on his email list?

So when I was going the SiteSell piece, I wrote about "keywords", in order NEVER get on that Google algorism, ever....the searching engine things that the public does, I went to do the exaggerating keywords, no one will ever found me, but at the same time to tell Prince Harry, if he needs the money, that is another options?

Because if you leave that piece of the website, they don't shut off the website on the algorism, on certain things. Those keyword targeting stuffs might be still going on for real.

I am not doing that sitesell to make my site to go on searching engine....I got enough people here around, already.

Sitesell: https://letteryouwish.blogspot.com/p/sitesell.html

Its the first Article: https://letteryouwish.blogspot.com/2021/07/queen-palace-kitchen-staffs-cooking-3.html


Babaji: What did you do?

I just write what they teaching me....

Babaji: I don't think sitesell say that..

Its in their forum, not the official sitesell, its other people does that, I learn that.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....