
Nick and my mother both cannot do big things. It’s all your parents age things, they were the generation in that Baby bloom, it was the beginning of the Era, their parents don’t go to school, but they got sent by government to implement education

Meaning they can only give you this much support, they done their best and they ready to go. Retired and exit life.

They give you already very supportive situation okay ? Be considerate to all of them. 

Your parents bracket, senior citizen

They have a religious belief, and they carry better effects. If they learn more advance life long term learning, it’s your destiny to carry on, not theirs. You got mix up. 

They probably can hold up 1 or 2 years, I don’t have that much time okay ? You don’t, I don’t neither !!

How to be a millionaire

That’s your mentality, if you don’t make it that bracket, how you live a lifestyle to carry your parents through? Some your parents might be very old, my father is old!! He ages fast !!

Do you fold your bed in the morning?

Do you wash your own clothes, or your mother college your laundry?

Do you cook yourself a what meal?

Do you care moto check up? Record and oil change ?

Your parents both working together so you have a temporary how many decades years life? They look like your parents or your kids parents ? I cannot interfere your every step plan to be self millionaire wealth person. But there are many new people can come online and making it that…all that.

Everyone has a doctrine how to become successful

First thing you become successful you drop your parents. How about your parents might speak different language, they become that, and surely you have friends or sibling, they give those money to them so you don’t get dropped in the building here 101?

You have this things, no one become successful but you !!

You wish no one good

You up to something no good !!

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