
Music World - Classic field

 Usually everyone knows that the rule, not just the singing.

That is Disney programs like JC, like Justin, they are the classmate like with Britney or Christina.

They dance, and they do a lot of physical training to be flexible.

What you say the Jewish power in those finance music classic world, you at least need one major, most are piano, and one minor instrument, like cello.

Those are basic. 

Its not just you think you want to join the singing groups, you say you apply Berkley, California?


You like the singing

You start sing from the flat notes. You learn what is the pitch to follow the song.  Like the melody.

I said in the video at the Music World that website, maybe. When I get to Eben, I see where are my rest of the video, like competition with the others?

Yeah...you have to know the main melody, to Simon, you don't fall off the main melody.

Its you become a pro, you listen to a song, you just sing with it. And you don't feel that is a too stressful jobs, you could just rythm that song.

Most time you are very nervous everything you do, okay?

Music stage, its a public stage you perform.

You walking out your house, you feel nervous if you see Asian all around, you are one blonde, all black hair? 

💖💘💝 You are impaire and blind, I don't even know why you are nervous about. Its not anyone gonna fix your perfect eye sight, you will really deal with that pressure in anyway.....

You want to get to Craig Ballantyne

You should not be nervous just talking to him?

I think you are about anything nervous, if I throw you on a brand new planet, that no one knows you, you will tell me, those are pressurized....one of those anything you say.

Do you want to pay your due, to call him up, whatever he set up his coaches all around, you ask him the basic question, "What does he eat?" What menu should you cook at home?

You practice cooking skill, not to get nervous if he stands right there in the kitchen you two having a conversation? You watch what you do in that pot?

Those friendly things, why you should be confident, at all?

Craig he does business, meaning, do you have a small business in mind?

Anything you bring people together to sale? What do you do for your living?

You try Sitesell yet? That is the people getting very old to start a hope they can mastermind those keyword, to learn what is a keyword target niches, and then put on top, some ideas to brainstorm how to carry out a business?

Its the most basic things some people they don't have too much brain power, still going through that?

Do you know what is a small business?

A small business plan?

A business name?

You register a business name yet?

Do you publish a book yet?

Do you have any writing sample?


 Can you organize all that in a profolio? How organize you are doing all that?

Craig Ballantyne and ETR the other guys + Eben Pagan

They are all digital guru, you cannot change their business model, period !

You want to explain to them, what is Anna saying about you wish to change their career?

I think you start to synchronize to his business model, like align with what they do, to the foremost important things. 

Me and Eben situation is a little bit different.


Because in Craig Ballantyne day to day, his own seminar, that is where all those young, or old ladies go up to him, its about what he does. For the ladies situation, he just never talks about, I think. So you do everybody already been doing, and one day, you can pay to see him in person, at the real ground point of that seminar, you line up with other girls whom are already having the small business in place, and you all go there talking to him.

oh no...you are not going to kill all of them....

Do you even know what is the seminar looks like?

You dining experience sometimes are included it ....what those sorority people do in long table. Berny has their CEO space eating table display with how you sit there, and talking to people's age like your parents age.

Carry a conversation

Saying your proposal

Asking them for money, like me doing that with Simon on TV.

To you, all these sounds like a plan, but when you actually doing it for the first time, by the third time you going to Craig seminar, you know, every time, you are learning something different each and every time.

No one is skillful by doing anything, okay? You imagine, you try the first time, you gonna make yourself a national moscout? 

Those things are unrealistic. 

You making business, you cannot go on and killing all your female customers lines. You want to kill his Craig's business clients? Why don't you sit there to begin that day 1 anywhere seminar you could go to, pretend Craig is not there?

You see thing, you hear thing, you run about things.

You all will tell me, your high heel shoes, are bothering you walking in those venue ground. Your outfit you are not easy wearing it, you wear the military uniform every single day. Can you try to be comfortable in anything you do? You make yourself comfortable you won't subconsciously got so pressurized, in the end of day, you weary out, you don't even can speak a word out on the telephone to report, how you feel that day.....

You want to put a camera or a mirror in front of your desk, how you eat?

Like in the realistic world, you drink, you eat, you swallow?

I just suggest you, because you will care about if you see yourself eating food. Most ladies might not even eat anything when those time happen. They eat ahead of time.

You want to do that?

You have a notebook?

A notepad? Do you mean a backpack like the school? They have a suicase lady's bag?

Are you going to decorate your hair? Gel, not fall off your hair volumn?

You sit, you stand, you walk?

You want to try to fall down on the floor?

Because only you do those things, no one does those things, to say why they will fall flat on the ground hotel carpet? 

Do you want to just camera yourself at your own home, how you stand there ? 

Tiny things you do, looks like you imitate Wallace or Keanu's jobs?

Your jobs are trying to be lovable ....or presentable.

You have to start, somewhere. It might be everything bothering you, how you present yourself to your own investors, not just to Craig, some people going to see him, might be an investor, you think you go social networking?

You go there to carry a business conversation. You are confident your plans will make money?

How is that you decide you will make a living that you must talk maturely that the customers will get to rely on you? 

Its the things you sale, or its you, yourself selling for?

Most of your don't balance yourself okay?

Craig he has a lot of years accumulated on his motions that when he walk in the public place like that, he is not walking like you all walking. You could start at your school? You go to those venue nervous? Dress up is that a nervous thing?

You wearing out a national mascot, you will not be nervous, amusement park......

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