
Military Orientation Table

I drop in to say hi ....its not I have a note on my table. Its hanging on the wall with everybody....There is a lotto on my facebook album, maybe you by pass the "information next by". Not in the excel sheet. The photo next by, above the comments area. - 1/3/2022 540 Millions on Powerball.

Where were we?

Did you ever have a connection to those around you, above you, that saying which orientation table you should be there? That, its not me Anna to be here? I am kinda busy, that is why I never here?

What was that saying about the quiz or tests? I am telling you, I have no product collection and apparently I tell Nobel Prize committee in what that Sweden...TNT whom....Nobel...right....their foundation, I might just hand them the entire books, to say, that is all you ever get....to put under one Nobel Prize.

See how nice I ever be....Some people have no times, living in the dream worlds called Disney princess....


A series of the speakers - I do not know them

The speakers they line you all up, its the booklets you all getting the flyers by.....I don't even know what I look like on that flyers, or tiny little name like your newspaper ads section.

Maybe you should just go to your year above you, that is what I heard they do. You ask them whom to go to, they will all telling you, what they think...I don't actually know any of them. Your mlitary orientation table each year, might be all under different speaker orientation table packages. I am not too sure how they do or select the people to be here, or if they ever be told to be there, you are the mlitary orientation table.

I cannot be here, because I was not told I have to be there for the  military orientation table. I just make myself appears in your table, because I wrote that on the blog, one day you finding it the year, the  month, the when I am still alive...that is every year they doing that.....

Birds, they are about to land ...

We were walking, that is the latest thing you probably need to hear. They are about to land on one of us shoulder. They are doing that themselves, we were walking by Taipei Expo. 

They are psychic, correct. They corresponding to your thoughts. 

Right on that moment. Correct. Too precise if you find out.

Craig, says moving. Eben, I also think too.

Today is Craig on his new video. He has been uploading some video, for all your well wishing to this Conan Crimson Love Letter. They respond it very fast. Just not all you girls listening very fast. You are all stressed....on your face.

No, he does not look like a very nice person? You mean easy going to get by? He is like Eben, they do business all around the world, starting he was much younger. Like 15 years ago probably when the internet still blooming. 

... ...

Everyone when they started something, it was all the new stuff to begin how to accumulate that experience....you know! So were him, and so were many of you. There is no one just get there by first day....other than me, to do everything in one day, or one try. They probably just demand it, that is by evolution I suppose to. 

You find out what Craig like, what he prefers to wear, what perfume he knows, all that?

What the girls suppose to be good at ...He may or may not get the gf or wife, you say, that business demands a lot of stress from him, and all this things pile up. If you make it in front of him, you suppose to know, you will be stand there for the military orientation table every single year. You don't run that orientation table like your boss right now, you will be running with him, understand?

You hate that jobs !

You want to join the volunteer forces, every year to try some orientation table help desk? You accumulate that years after years in 25 years, you will know, the entire world you living in....you are not the only princess or prince.

That is your boss wishing you at least to have that tiny growth in head, not that he expecting you to become the bride on the first day.

Self Improvement - They are all self-discipline guys

When you are saying you wish to get up on Time, and be positively reinforced to your life direction....like when you and Craig if one day faces some economic situation, you drop him go? what will you do? 

To say cherish to hold?

Or just gf to begins? 

What if the life just how many years pass by, you just have to stick together to make that way out? Or its the life too much fun of it, all around all guys?


Happy are from internal, Contentment is when you know what is enough its enough

There are things you purchase in your shopping lists, are what you like? Or what you like to collects? Do you have a home? Many old ladies they have a garage of the full loads garbages in the car pool....

Eben or Craig, or all those guys business are to "inspire" others.

Do you like to say nice words to others, and hoping them to grow better? Wholeheartdly?

Do you really wish others to get better? If you cannot get pass that, you should not go to them, because you are killing yourself, to live in a very cynical worlds. You never mentors others starting young? I started in middle school, teaching people a particular math, or every subjects I teach those whom asked me question. Middle school, like 10th grades.

Do you have a mood, like you hoping he holds your hands and say the prayers?

There are different situation that you will cry, I think that is when you look at him right now, on all these new video he put himself looking like that?

I am saying your face, do you take out your mirror and look at it? I am not saying his face.


There are people when they by pass their parents, to imagine to get smart with people outside their parents realm, they tend to trying "thinking outside the box" scehmatic methods.

I told you, this is on run of military orientation table on my resume.

You don't believe it?




Let's talk about something else, other than your head, with Craig Ballantyne the last 3 weeks stuffs.

I heard they design all your my UB routes from NSC morning class, to good night SIlas mid-night oil Student union?


How is it, with the 5 Lords? Because that routes were only on 5 Lords, really? So where is the rest of the stuffs, that is not 5 Lords? The girls are very happy to have 5 Lords, that is what I heard. I didn't see, if they design everything else not the 5 Lords....like every other clubs or fratenity included....because that person is way too happy, there is such as thing, there is someone way too happy? 

oh ~!!! 

I didn't think your life is that miserable for me to reach your level to understand, why you are not happy?

Do you understand me?


I think my monitor broken, at the beginning, the guys saying 5 Lords guys.....becuase those guys hate those girls to say hi to them in the Good morning methods. They hate so much, they go and find out why they have to be there and smile....that is the reality, I heard.

Are you in College or University, or you thinking in the future, there is a graduate school?

When you serve in the military, that is easy to stay in the program, at school? They pay for it? Do you want to make your life plan a little more staying in the school? I used to say, they do statistics, if you stay in the school system, to do the club, the outside company take that better. Not you run off the UB, to working in advance, so your career to become blossom like Karen. You know what I mean? Do you want to research that first, now? Because you might save yourself a lot of times?

They do research, I heard that.

Yeah ! 

My brother and my sister does the same thing like Karen, I think they both are going to jail.  

That is the 20 years of their plans since year 2000. I would suggest you listen to what I say a it. No matter what... That is very sad, you know.

College, has this advancing professional school, like pre-pharmacy, or pre-dental, or pre-med

Do you want to get to their standard tests, in PCAT, MCAT or DAT?

Those people compete in the early program application when you get to your freshman year. I was not luck, because I was a transfer, I cannot go to their early program. I was very hoping, you know, life could be easier, I look at them so easily not to take the PCAT. That kind of life.

You come to the Military Orientation Table, are to be here, to listen to some rumors and find out. That will be your competition, correct. For the next 30 years save your pain.

There are a lot of people only hoping to get life start early, like Tamang, to use gun on the facebook. His IQ is very low, so he can only expect using that, to get their life be turn out 30, having 2 kids, that is his plan of life. Yes, he only sees that. He does not have any tiny consciousness why that jobs failed will hurt anyone, and one person down, you go to hell. That is not his thinking, he drops everyone and he thinks that is perfect okay!

But he will tell you his package of quotes, Bible, and Bill of Rights, to sound like a quality person. Correct, he writes all that, he got his life plan all figure it out. Its gun on people's head, to say, everyone is pointing at him.

Yes, his low IQ doesn't know how to quit...on trying out life!

Your College lifes is average people leaving home to go far, to face a brand new world, some to face like 200 people in one classroom.

A lot of people just by doing that, they quit the school. Too much of the pressure seeing all that. True. 

You meeting people in college so that you don't go to the wrong direction, but many will choose to go drunk, and one day they form a union after college, to go drink sometimes. Those groups still exist, because the drinking party, is a norm in the average every college lifes. You can pick and choose what sound cools.

Everyone all knows that word: How cool is all that life offers, anyway?

You have different assort of things you do in college, making up the homework to by pass the classroom is when you decide what is your major to face the future economic pressure. You have an advisor you can talk to. You can talk to your general subjects professor to say, because he says so, so I have no more medical school to go to, I go to the pharmacy school. One of those?

You have to learn how to find someone mentoring you. Whether its in the school, or in real life, to listen to some more experience people in the industry, in any field. You probably could choose not to go to school like Eben Pagan.

But he stacks up a lot of books. To me, that is a pain what he does. I rather go to school, never ever have to touch a book after the school says cut...its only 4 years of the textbook.

Those are lines by line technical works, its not actaully what Eben reads...whatever those are.

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