
Military Orientation Table 2 = 1/4/2022

Money is how big your head space contain, correct ! That is how you decide you have to go to college to get a paper in the future, that someone can hire you, if without, no.

Today's education is rising. Its no more like the last old old old generation to say, you don't have money to go to those elites school, like Tesla time. Going to school like college is, you are family good? 

You have many different direction you decide what's your major, most of you, have first 2 years times to take the general class. You can start with general chemistry, general calculus, some science degree to say, you well fed to some scientific methods to go about your military expectation. 

My sister had a dream, that is to flute her life like a prostitute fame, and she graduate with a very low accounting GPA, but she got CPA license. And in....short amount of 10 years, she is ready to be jail the whole life time. She has 2 kids.

People really need the money, correct ! I heard my uncle saying if I got a car, go and get a job 

He didn't order me, he is the Dr. Bing Shen from City of Hope. I just copy what he says. I got a car, and I got a jobs, that is how me and Lee met, for that story Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Uranus story goes about. 

My mother will tell you, I always have the period pain, so I can only sit down, not to standing on my feet to go for those waitors' jobs. Tutoring is the only place I can go. I did go. It was my roommate Wendy, told me to go. 

I stay there 2 years undergraduate and 2 years in my full graduate school programs. That is in total 4 years, and today, that is entire world chaos on Sailor Moon for the educational department, because to become an Organic Chemistry tutor, that is not really a thing, to say, that is the same like General Chemistry. You go there to meeting your prince charming...yeah.

Intern, in school, or you ask around your family, or in the science field.

Lots of people telling me this from City of Hope, that not everyone in 20 years of time, working in 2 labs, that is none related of science deductive logic, to become able to build a body from the cell theory in the middle school textbook.


That is true! You all have a tendency not to work in the lab, that is what they are telling me?

Toby, used to be also ABC mix Asian and American blood, that from Duke university, in Dr. Bing Shen's lab. She told me how many labs works she done, to be continue to go to the next lab projects.

If you don't keep up those labs works, you don't get hired, anywhere.

Correct. True. That is what all the students will tell you. I never go back to the labs. I only know the theory all these things I wrote in the Medicinal Chemistry, on building a body. That is not lab. Those are...textbook only !



I would suggest you to increase your IQ not to get drunk, because you will ruin your life like Bieber, he used to have 4.0 grades GPA in high school. He probably never going back to the college needed for his fame that big money with South America Argentina flag to be under his holy feet....

You see, so many people have a pain in life? You know what I am saying? That is how you say it loud for me to hear, why you become a military here. You don't want to be here, get out !

People in the same quarter of your life, its not your parents baby your life anymore. Your commanders are telling you an opportunity, because when that is the only reality, and you failed, you will go outside the mliitary and never return back, understand? 

There is no such things, you pick and choose what you decide do or don't, understand? 

You are all very famous to memorize that textbook, Craig Ballantyne that face is not a textbook, okay?

There are things some low IQ human does, that is the true reality, how the barring down the professional students in the professional school, be eliminates from the grade reports. ITs first started with IQ. 

You have to be happy and skillful in the field that you are chosen to do. You actually have to like it herbs, or the body, to build a better things called the life force containing the souls with the Nobel Prize you cannot proven the Soul pieces, if I give you the assignement, to thinking outside the box?

How many days pass that we were not on the Military Orientation Table?

My IQ drops, or your routes fallen treading??



You need any medical attention, like the paper slips? I can write....but I don't belong to your unit, if that is what you are saying. I am not a real MD. I am actually not a real commander, not even a real speaker. You cannot tell this is cyber conversation none stops?

You know why you have a brain to say next 20 years for the quantum age to leap or jump, that Quantum Age to jump its when you say you don't require your parents service anymore?


So you expecting yourself to grow, not just on that Craig Ballantyne's faces? or you were saying he is a gay? I am sure if you polish yourself enough to fit that jobs, to become his colleague, its that your stress level to stand in front of the stage, to be like Craig Ballantyne or the rest of ETR, or Eben, you first started in front of your own military tiny quarter with the speech "I have a dream..."

With a logical reason, that is a progression line in lotto, to spell me your math degree, you see that is not the lotto meant to say, its the 4th lotto I see, why they starting from small to big number?

They rearrange that? 

I never really play the lotto, I don't know that. Find out?

There is every reason for me to believe, why either you or me, don't want to stay on this pages...to be honest, which reason could be yours? You want to start with that speech? You have a dream last night about ?

One of those things only you care about, not your military boss care about, its the dream and the psychic ability to predict your future in that Lotto world....you know what I am saying?

Its the money and the number to say TLC, there is a Dr. Lee, and the adjcent to those million dollar home finding projects. Its on my channel here. Its American show, called TLC channel. You see those an average normal home. To contain the family quarter, they have kids, not always the one person enjoying all that lotto.....you ready to count those money for your family?

Your every dreams....

How many weeks pass by you are trying now, so that my military orientation table was not told, you all went to get a lotto ticket? no I don't buy them since 8 years ago, I told you that.


And, all your slips looking? 

Eben Pagan one time talks about the lotto winner, I wonder if he lies on the stage, he would say such things like lying to everyone? Really? You know what he say? Eben say that the lotto winner, the ending of them....

You want to go and find out what he says? 

I don't really care about what he says, that is absurd. But if you all keep doing this...my face cannot see nothing but Japanese those bell sound chapel temple to make a wish....you ring those bell like the comic books, or the Japanese animation, those tiny cartoon saying...you wish, you pray, you hope? These slips you written your well wish, are sticken cover my periopheral, I cannot see your face.....

I will tell you about Rich people to make money ideas to cover those property methods.

If you want to become a millionaire, not just on the short range of profits....like lotto, you need a steady jobs to keep that momentum to make money in America, because you guys property tax is way way way too expensive, unlike Asia here. We buying are expensive, because this is the city. But not the way how you all having a home in America, to spell all the basic fee level to maintain that lifestyle.

If I were you, you can just re-write those medical textbook long enough, to make some military jet money from you own pockets...194 country world. That is the money although I would never see in my life, but I will tell you, those money you need to make that much in order to sustain that life you all hoping for. I am giving you the feeling of the security.

Because....when you able to make that much  money, you know exaclty how much you did, to fail people, for example.....you actually become skillfull to fail people? That kind of saying. You are actually just only have works to do, not just saying you have time to spend any money, to be honest....

Your attitude, its not to service to the world, so those money don't just flowing in.

When you really able to go on Top to fail anyone, let's say, that is a niche of itself "failing everyone", that is govenmental money you pretend to have, but you start to have a momentum, that is roughly how it is feel to make millions dollar. You haven't seen the real money, correct.

But you feeling it first. The actual momentum that might become real....

You don't really know what I am saying right?

Right ....

Its your responsibility how you deliver that jobs, you have to get used to. You are right now looking at the lotto, you should be looking at me really....

A lot of the older people writes some books about all these okay? Getting rich and wealth. From long time ago. They are saying something all about the same. What I say to you, might be first time you heard. You should just listen.

Sometimes everyone trajectory how you acquire that money is different. My routes were, I never seen the money for 8 long years....

You just don't have a choice to see any money.....

What you gonna do? Break the world in pieces? Demand God that is not fair? What's wrong to live with your parents? Or trying that jobs again? When you let go?

Your life, you suppose to know its always up or down, okay?

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