
Middle school, kinda like President Xi story he had a past, but I will tell you that’s cool kid thinking cool style ! Not the reality

 Not really !

What you think about President Xi past? His darker past?

The communism party against of his Time? Everyone all did something in order … 

Long time, there was a perfect story of a perfect institution world. Parents pay money for the children having that environment shape up, so they become possible in the society …most parents are not like Pang’s mother. I think she knows something so she needs to get that right. She did had some human brain whatever that brain is.

In Asia, since WWII, there is only one way you make it in life, you pass exam.

It’s still today’s culture, for the governmental package !

In the middle school, that school first had the IQ test, they told my mom, I go home, remember?

It’s true. They really mean it.

I have never in my life to see a Greek test, they call them the IQ tests. Do you know what’s a IQ test? Right now I will tell you a lot of things, like funny.

Because I am the one kneeling and flooring moping that floor in the elementary school. 

Do you know how it is like to grow up black hair or blonde hair in life, at the world where your existence be told you look different? You don’t really know what that is …not really. You only hear about, not you really know.

You travel day in disguise, you travel at night that no one sees, you breath the cold solitude air, no matter what the traveling by foot or by a skill - bicycle …you arrive.

The Hunger Game…you are not going to make it at all.

Your personality was a glorious one !! Not karma destine one. You have every small tiny language within you, you have a functional parents always ! Right besides you. You argue each other your parents is your side like you own them, you don’t really care about them. You could just lifting their tiny suffering if you could …just be there.

Middle school, I do gardening, not on the floor anymore. ( haha …)

It’s … in front of the passage of the big spacious classroom floor, meaning no kids care to walk up to see what’s in the basket.

I used to pick the most easy to die but looking pretty flower. But we don’t have funds, so I go on the stage to yell at the entire human ! That flower name is 繡球花

It’s so easy to die flowers, like that Westinghouse 1893 bulbs. It’s just so easy to die…money won’t be there to supply.

There are restriction area, not room if requirement. Like some children tale story, you look at the shadow of lights you see far away forbidden classroom. Those are boys classroom. We are only 2 girls classroom, right in front of the building face all. They are all behind. You never go inside those passage. So I never know the real road how to walk there I think…not exactly friendly. I kinda forgotten already.

You go to bathroom, you see the shadowy light of those classroom front.

It’s two side.

One side the bathroom. One side are some binbo girls very Wallace need to know name, she and her friends are on that big spacious balcony, waitinh for guys coming forward, to flirts. Her eyes was…flirtious, I never met a human I never look into her eyes, and one day I did look….

I never seen a human done that !

It’s so bad, I am telling you. 

So….starting from the beginning of this middle school, it’s scary air…every book of ancient Chinese you will receive first copy of all that Ancient Chinese. You take notes in class every ingredients they tell you so. In Ancient Chinese literacy, your American education is at zero. Proud and arrogant …you never gonna make it forever …

Ancient Chinese they have to give you breaking points if the words where you “annotation like a librarian must do” to every degree “ancient literacy” means. It’s not todays Chinese, it’s exactly the same symbols words. You go to school to learn all that, not Hailey them.

You have 3 exams to every so often quit

Your ranking will be lists name from 1 to 250.

Your scores on the tests.

3 years …or 2 years you do that, you can wear out that IQ tests probably they meant I cannot understand what’s a IQ? Kids they prepare their elementary school ? Like supplementary school ? No wonder you are so dead ….

I don’t go to contemplatary school. I am…becoming a blonde on the 8th grades. I see the roots of my hair, that’s a blonde, not white hair.

One day I become a blonde.

But I have black hair below. You travel at night on the bike through winds, no one will ever see you, know you, watch you…

That kinda of pressure always exist on bus or walk on the road, so my nature always avoiding human, I find trees. This city only certain places have the tree. There us roller blade, you travel, you can avoid all the human on the road. You…short cut lanes.

All the things you see on the monitor …all the books you read from them like you meant it you care Yogananda…

You are psycho, I tell you, you imagine what you ever want that life. You don’t stand in life, you can just die out better !

My road and choices by a real born karma factor. 

Born started. Choices by my own will factor. Want something from my own initiative …by watching TV.

You see Sailor moon, everyone looks there even some guys.

But I told you, there are boys session on the TV. Not movies those young Keanu handsome. I told you every English long name more than 3 symbols they automatically equal Greek. The foreigner name.

Do you ever look at my photo like you meant it?

Which photo ?

None capish unglare

Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up !!!! Do you hear me shut up !!!!!

I probably never say that, those are not my language !!

In children worlds, its like a war. When I break away from boys, or elementary, I feel so much kinder and nicer at middle school. But one issue 3 of us …I should just leave.

At someone house 

I have another short girl name her mother is Pixie, your current President !!

I have friends !!

I have probably more than those friends, middle school was a harmonious environment, just study and make it.

2 years.

There is a girl skill worker drawing European old fashion clothes. By hands.

It’s …magic. She says why she applies the school outside, meaning given up the 2 years, I made it to high school. No need for that one entrance tests, your life determine dates that kinds …

So we talked.

She persuade me

Then I convince.

I think I drag that girl with me? Another girl….

It’s how my photo always say my personality, you talk to get everyone out of the comfer zone ! And she made 33 that school friend.

We had few us and the rest don’t make it high school crowd, we have about 1 year, or 8 months.

The paper written left over digits on the wall big font. The professional digits on paper to that exam dates.

There are 2 or 3 girls have dreams I go to that school. That’s unbelievable I thought I fail the tests !

Talking about magic, shut up !!!! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I think those me time, how I convince the weaker human to get them all kill gangs …Well, what tales was President Xi? Just by talking you to do that, she might really dead…left that environment! The school design system for that !! Yeah ….

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