
Kenshine Himura Ep 1 (Japanese sound, English subtitle), Ep2



oh, no, not that Kail and Zawanna her, with 2 best pal friends?

oh, not that ! Kail and Zawanna are not your military boss, at all.....education. There are things that are not education, people live in the real life. Her hair is not that long. Just shoulder length. Kinda like....閃電霹靂車 Blonde hair...and oh no..her emotion are up and down, rage inside. Pompeo that Chinese words saying of.

That is the guy she slept with. Red hair, but fat. There are things those girls do in that culture, to imagine stuffs, might Kail....is no money, whatever the fat means. Or he let her do what....she is thin, so that guy will like her, whatever stuffs. Its a liking, not spy. 

Kail told me. No I don't know that stuffs.

She already asked that fat guy, he told her.....no, Kail and Zawanna, me ! oh no....she might already know that. But she doesn't want to have anything like that ....whatever Kail was is....do. Dungon stuffs I show her already where I leave at. oh no, I told Kail long time ago....I might be a guy. You say those things in front.

That is a old lady doctor.

no....when there are things you always tell them to talk to Kail first.....your IQ = zero will never get that part, where she, military whom I say you go to talk, or whomever else....you always help them once, and push them at the door, lock it, and say "You go to Kail, you will get him kill, you kill, and me kill. Everyone killed. No, Kail will not kill me, just go to him or Zawanna, don't come back here. I know your IQ = zero?"

That is Sariputra.


: Don't make rice things. Don't help her, she hit you on the head, you dead.

Exactly that cute just like the TV, Pang. 

Hostage: oh no....normally you don't have IQ to last that long for them to do all that.....but you don't take their place in their ground. I help them once, her, military I told her whom to go, that guy, once..

whichever her best friend pal....once.

You say, you have to go to Kail and Zawanna, don't come here anymore.

oh no, not juicing, you mix half of that with the lipton junk tea....

There are a lot of no stuffs....no herbs, just culinary herbs....you don't do those things when you are a hostage !!!!

Set up

Kail ...set up. Us. He is Prince Kail

Three World, Mayan King, Kali, there are mutual understanding, because me and Sariputra we leaves......its a mutual understanding, but he probably sets up us, not his side.

Their IQ = zero too.

Maybe all of you should not insist why your IQ = Zero, really

Yeah ....any side, our side, us side, or whichever their side, my side....with Kail they are, you can just say, you will never forever met them...just Anna me stuffs. You don't imagine stuffs best, for sure never them stuffs. I won't do those thing. I know you all would.

There are things you say AI. They are the AI.

Not....in this way you define what you say computers stuffs....might be like Crystal SKull, but you gonna say, they are not human....they look human !

Right....With this One eye regime....I think you just think Zero starts, not Three World on the Top.

We are at Ice water, or land. That is W two world, you die, you go under, hell...abyss. just like the physical meant, in the water....all the way button of the sea floor.

I am on the Second Episode - Kenshin Himura, 浪客劍心 ( 90s Era)


Yeah, these are Supreme Master Ching hai story too with that Indian 500 years old, him 1 finger, or you mean 3rd disciple, her gernman doctor? So Indian 500 years old, Sariputra, and Mahakasypa? You don't put them 3 in the same room, there is no such things like that to say comparison.

No. Not like that.

沒有人把印度五百歲、舍利弗、大頭 擺在一起大家一起論譚誰比誰好? 沒有那種事情,絕對沒有 !!!!! 你們最好不要做那種沒有大腦智商的事情 ....

That's Korean, North that guy, fat guy.

Then President Xi will shows up, but China and North Korea Top leaders are fat ...

Sariputra, and Purna? or that is Sariputra's mother.

No, not David 430. David 430 that guy are Shishiyo stuffs, his name is Sojiro ! There is a childhood memory too. That kid, is 430.

The scientology leader right now. matching up with Purna's height.

Meaning this girl is Sariputra's mother, probably ! Their used to papa house.....Taiwan old those Japanese style. They rebuilt to the high rise apartment building.

Because the Buddhism finger guy story,, that Buddha pace at......was the mother story too!

Pitch perfect girl playing cup games, = Sariputra. The lyrics of one of those Pitch Perfect.

But North Korea has a sister him.

Is there something about stress and food? And if you have money, and housing plan,....England they don't look fat ....

Something of North Korea, and China Leadership....they cook for them right? 3 Meals? And North Korea about 8/9 years ago, they just leave those photo continue to become like that? Aren't they communism? 

Meaning.... militant power collects?

The way how China and North Korea, you keep doing this your leader is ....democratic?

Kenshin Himura Episode 3


小鬼小和尚~ 該你們了 !!! 你們的前腳出後腳進~~~前天 !!!!

Its just meant, the vow you all say before....you dead.

Eternally let go Buddhism, leave Buddhism. OUT!

You imagine tests for a living....I already say....its Life that you live....really ! 

You can train, you can memorize, you better cultivate things on your own, like you make your own money, find your own fitness trainer, you evolve your own desire for God, you desire for material Wealth, you go and fetch that yourself...

There are a lot of initiative you suppose to put that action on your own. You heard once, you do that without others forcing you to do. You don't make it....die

The beginning says....your happiness, sad.

You like rice....

You insist to go to the darkness, like that California Mayor Loving the Silent Tear, on stage. You wish to stain darkness, with the light, or you prefer the darken color to spell light.

You got it all mix up....where and whom are the final seat waiting for you all....you could just do it now. Its better you put down all your weapon, or trickery in front of me. 

I will tell you, its not worth it !

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