
Kail, that short wave rage riot girl ! Red River Manga Kail Mursil (Zawanna 赤河魅影 )

That girl/wife ....I think this is the strangest things on girls doing that. It may not have anything like superstitious when you say fat are = wealthy looking. She think Kail is weak, or 懦弱  Timid, or soft...or...Like Tim Cook is timid to you?

Kail got on her nerves. He is at that library of his mansion, like 24 hours a day, she cannot go out.  That society of the upper class, might be just as auldetary as that saying to some people mind set, in the imagination. The thing was, the girl like these....including in what 亂馬 1/2 story saying there was a wealth rich son, with the sword again... That he eats with his long tongue the cake on his head....That is like when I was a kid watching that. Where the upper class they are...abnormal at all. So....what really happened in this girls mind including Tina, was that Hank was overweight already in rage mode. She doesn't think fat people are bad....or health reason.

If you observe the tourism sometimes, a guy and a girl tour, kinda like Adam & Hailey....There are fat chulby guy with the girl chulby. The girl next by this guy will not hear anything about...food, or ice water sugar, to bother them, something when eating together. There is something about eating together that thing is SUPER important.  Kail and Zawanna...because Zawanna just me + him move away... those things included...

She...She heard thing, but those are not heard or seen things real, her priority was to eat. Not that danger is near or physical or jail or dungeon. She knows all that, but very shallow conscious. She just want to go and eat on the table with someone.

She finds this guy, because....Fat guy, they eat together....or something about that food, if I Anna just stare at it....

If I were you, you do what I anna tell you start liquidarian yourself on curezone formating, including loss of your palate.....some people still love food when losing that palate bugs...they look at the food, that is amusing, or very very exciting. That is a hobbit in life!  Seriously, they make a living as the traveler on YouTube. Look at it. I seen it. Its in my Google YouTube account, I seen them once. If you gather a family of all that....they do all that too. Something about this food you say, they you like them, not just you love them.

ETR Craig Ballantyne, or Eben Pagan, this is a cheesecake. Vegan Cheesecake, not the cake.

Kinda of frozen yogurt you are saying it....

... ...

Its a photo. That is just a dessert on a very old table cloth, nick's table cloth.

... ... no I don't like anything with rasin putting on top. Anything dry fruits I just look at it on anything I hate it to the maximum ! You put the real berry will look fine.

I hate those cube things...berry, dice, or whatever you name it....certain thing you do it for the reason to look like the kitchen, I look at it, and eat it in the 5 Star hotel.

But that is if I live in it, they design....small piece, tiny places.....

Not that many on the photo. I hate those things. I hate every little things of all that...everything I hate it so much. I just hate all of them !!!!

I gonna say it one last time, people get fat, they die. Health reason, when a person die, that person is dead.

There is no such thing people go and be dead ! Period !!!!!!!!! You faciliate wishing people well and you will tell people a plan, not to get to that degree, and when Jonathon or Keegan that certain degree, you tell them get off your weight now !

No, I seen her fucking that fat guy, she is on Top! 

She comes to the MD herb doctors to ask her what i do there....period pain. She is helping Kail of course...those tiny things. But she....wants to ask certain things about that Frozen flake snowy moutain Taiwanese dessert? I already say, those sugar water tofu kinda, no one like them, they spit it all out the Westerner guy. The only thing you might might might like...its the snow flake milky stuffs. 

But no....not she is going to make me to make that for her? 

No....but the entire scene she going all around....doing her paper works?

Never say anything I type you. I seen a few photo and her....and few things Kail and Zawanna ....I write this whole things to you.

No, she does not sound or say, or do things in anyway, you will think she is just like Tina...or any thing I just know it. Its ...probably what i tell you and more.

Because no one will go to the fat guy, as that kind of pretty nice girl, and marriage to Kail?

I go to eat lunch !

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