
小龍 Is that your parents imagine, you care about that Conan Detective, Crimson Love Letter, with that Craig Ballantyne + 2, with Masterson stuffs? Yeah? 你小龍你至少跟你爸媽說過你的眼睛在哪裡躺著? 叫做你其實在一這個 ETR 柯南? 亞洲日本版卡通

So you like the scripts, or you think that is a good thing in life, or you just adore Craig? So you mean how you could leash his attention or his life? or you check his girlfriend first? Does Sariputra just look at you, like the TV monitor, I look at him, looking at you, so I look at you? That is everyone does !!? 

就是我看著饒邦看著你,你看著呷咪,我看著他看著你看著呷咪 ...

不是常常長這樣嗎 ? 不是這樣!

那是怎麼樣~叫做控制情緒的你跟他的哪個 Craig Ballantyne....does he know what is a holiday is coming on Feb 14 2022? 

I told UB APO to go and get a video in, for whichever side they choose to air that Simon, or England Queen, or Wing, or Wing's parents, or what....in the end, I have no ideas, they just say, they are doing something together.....might look like 16 years ago, they got a signature they didnt regret nothing legalize yet ....if they don't hop on it now ?

Do you want to boss your father, to get Pang's father, to get to Pang, his facebook...this huge circle, saying where is his telephone, you could just message Pang on the facebook

And starting this...where is Pang's eyes lays...to where I follow him...

"I will follow you~~~" That is a song in my time? 修女也瘋狂

Ola in it....that is  my school play in the music class. I sing, or I did what in that class...so I know all that melody well, because it was a very important play !

In School.

i go to nap .... !!!!

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....