
If Eben dead in the water, like Sariputra dead inside the ice water 如果埃本死在水裡面就像說,舍利弗死在水裡

Do you want to ask Eben, what will Anna ever do? You might feel better?

Most people are passive in life. You see two things one barrier ! 


我說妳們要不要自己去問埃本? 我安那會做出什麼事情? 你們感覺好一點? 大多人的人生都是被動的 ! 你看見的是兩個人跟一個界面 !

I can just tell Eben myself. He is alive? Eben Pagan, if you are dead in the water, sinking down, I am on top of the Ice? 

I cannot touch that interface, period ! You are sinking down?

Well, I do my things when you are dead. But technically, I don't go down there.....we can put a net down, if we open an opening.....there are sometimes you just die there. You mean if I will efface the entire land ground, to digging out your Eben?

You could just look at the TV, like there is an Eternal life, like I imagine those things ever be that dramatic happening !!!

Do you want to everyone go to the swimming pool, Eben pretend in the water and choking up, And Anna I just go dragging him up? You see it better that way?

你們要不要大家一起去游泳池,埃本假裝被淹到水,我安那把他拉上來,你們有沒有感覺好一點 ?

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