
Dr. T and Dr. Chambler, both professors have TA, we have 4 TA, for General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry

 I remember their names is Amy and Amo.

Amo's cake? Your Taipei venturing tours in Taipei station?

Do you know why the professors hire TA, and these TA they are PHD students?

So at least they don't go resentment to each and every students that are seating in that classroom, TA session. Have you been to any TA session? They don't just be in the science class. my economic class also has TA, she does these supply and demand charts in so many different variations.

You ever met with a TA? Do you want to go up and talking to them? They are proficient to what they are saying? You invite them to Craig's business venture? Like you are so assure you will won the lotto?

18 years ago, Jonathon they were in the class with the TA Amy, so 18 years later, we have these excel sheet spelling lotto message decoding...

TA are not there to resent each other, not to the professors finding their fault, not Lee or Linda, finding my faults...why don't you say, your general chemistry or organic chemistry video, everyone is looking at your faults, if you create a brand new YouTube Website for Eben to go and spying on you?

You suppose to know what you are saying on all those presentable materials, as a profession.

That is your profession, okay? You are doing a professional works for others to trust you, so you build up your customers line, with Craig, or you explore your own domain, and you work on several years to get there, one day meeting Craig on the mutual grounds, and you both collaborate....

Not starting with the love first sight, you started with the understanding, those works are not supposed to go and on purpose destroying each other....

Not jungle fights?  

    If you just sit in front of me, and your textbook first line started the first paragraph, you gonna tell me you are nervous?

    First line of your lab manual, the first chapter whatever on your lab notes there?

I didn't tell you to do anything, I only tell you to repeat in front of me....feeling better?

Tell me what do you see in Legally Blonde? I see what your parents asking you, the entire legally blonde 1 and 2? 

You go to the Harvard resenting each other, or you go to Congress, to whom I may ask, those faces that you resent them? I know their name? 

Do you know if Harvard will go and conduct a real live session to what why they show up there, telling me, you are resentment just hearing they come from Harvard, they are all suicidal tendency?

That is not what you are doing?

Your parents wish to tell me you fabricate a story, to only the part that is easy and go, from you. Which part is the easy and go?

Your intention if just sitting there on your couch to watching the TV whole day long....your parents are already be there doing that for you. You have exactly the perfect life, you are living in ... right now.

Ever feeling you should have some gratification that is your wish to be granted?



 Are you Rusty Brat Pitt? If you can shrink in one side corner of the society, you would have to fallen and pit in.

Have you ate an olive can before? Its marinated ~ !  Is that liquid, or are they transparent glass? So you define the liquid suppose to be all transparent? 

Have you shred a sweet purple looking radish...what are those call, you never wash up your kitchen purple radish....

If you decide to do a FDA kitchen counter, food distilled methods of cleaning a raw food diet, you at least washing your hands, before you started your kitchen works? Like any normal human suppose to have that in mind, if your both parents seeing you doing that?

Or they cannot be there watching you, that you feeling your hands when you washing it, all soap off?

Chemistry jobs are only washing those rivers or streams, up stream, or down stream....processing the garbage recycling cup, those high stack up bubble tea from your entire military units, that collects in one session of the bubble tea venture to see the buttom of the cup has a number and logo?

Its carve in it....you just turn it upside down....

You wish to get in there, not that you plan to get on anywhere?

Do you decide it, that is your business venture first, or the love of your whole life first? Meaning first love in sight? Whatever that said words, even in Chinese, that is what they say?

When you cooking a pasta ...

When you cooking a millets...

When you cooking a rice combination spices....

Are you confidently to know what exactly you put in that pots to say 5 people share, if 

Masterston + E +T + R, and you?

You decide that recipe you done once, this weekend, by next weekend, you already feel different than today.

Trust me.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞💝💖💞 

If they make you to go to CADS same grades of everywhere "On-Campus" jobs, don't you at least knowing whom might be walking in there, finding your faults?

That is if you get in the jobs, and got it? So your perfect Anna UB 5 Lords routes, ended at UB Capen Library, basement? That is on my monitor, something about....you don't go to the Student Unions....from NSC?

There is only one straight maps of that walking routes, and your AI high tech device on my monitor seeing you.....sparkle on that land-mark. What does that mean?

You are SOS, or the device broken, beeping, or light on, or what is siren kinda of flipping? Ever use Google GPS on maps? That things is alive? You cannot jump or that suppose to twistly jump?

There is no words, there is no sound...why you stopping on that building structure? Not moving ahead...there is next stop at UB commons, all that? Not just you already pass by UB knox 20 !!! That is a class, greek class even, not a real job?

What do you all wear?

That is the interview, or you already got the jobs?

Your entire routes stop there....are you moving ahead to UB Student unions? That thing dead there? In the middle of the entire UB North ground? You cannot move yourself out of there?

Do you went to their Student orientation for they giving you a UB map, at least where you being/beaming on the North Campus?

NSC is all the way the end, but you are stopping at the Capen, that is right in the middle, where the UB bus stop at that front loop.

NSC are Natural Science Complex, that is where Dr. T and Dr. Chambler has their class. Dean and Bill are in there. The honor class we were in those classroom, even the general chemistry or general organic chemistry are also using that two hallway classroom, there is no way, you don't see yourself right there? That is NSC.

But before you get to the Capen, you have options walking up ground, or below ground, that is where everyone meets to eat in there. Dean, Jonas with a bunch of us in the honor class. Maybe you wait  until your second year, in the Organic Chemistry.  They design the winter routes like that, so everyone stays in door to walk towards the Student unions.

CADS is located in the Capen library. You have to go inside the library to go to the basement. 

Not the outside those basement, they take you to knox 20, or APO, CAC those student union offices.

Everything that UB has the design, was preparing for the winter, okay? I say that before, those places are designed! 

Is this my brain dead, or you are dead? I cannot see you moving. Were you arriving? You are content to be in the middle of the UB? You mean the Simpson, or current President's office, you cannot be possibly finding where he is....HE is in that building, if you go outside, and look up, those are his office window about 5 or 6th floor, there. They have a secretary at the door, receptionalist.

I have nothing to do ?


Can I have your sheet, whatever the sheets you have in your hands?

These are the UB 5 Lords routes, or that is I invented words, saying those are my routes?

Those are your class itinerary, time table, or time schedule ...you are dead? Because of these time schedules? How many credits are these? Normally people take about 12 -15 credits? I would not do 18 credits if I were you? 15 credits are fine. Those are labs hours longs, correct. 

Yes, you stay in those hours in those time slots. Sometimes you get off the lab early, depends how you staying in there.... 

No, you cannot do anything else, but staying in the lab, because you don't' know how long that will take to be in there.

Wing he does fast, he got out early, but he was only there first year, the general chemistry.

No, we were not the lab partner, his lab bench was acrossing me. Later, we become the lab partner. He does everything there, I just watching him. I don't usually look at the lab, that is what I mean. I go there and figure it out? I probably did the pre-class question because we are told to do those. That much, I remember. To say, how hard I working in that lab, no...its Wing he did all those jobs.

This is the first time you go to college? First time having the lab?

In my elementary school, I do the science report, its a private school. I already know what is a beaker and a rod. 

That basic things if I see their manual, I can speak English, its R O D, or B e a k.

Those are simple English. not difficult. But okay, those are English. No, I talking to Wing in English, he cannot speak Madarin. You can tell his accent, he speaks zero Chinese.

No, Wing does the lab works, I fill in all the math. We will get a results, so I write my own lab report. No he does not write my report. I math my own paper, if that is what you do with your lab partner.

General chemistry, we have individual lab, and then I partner with Wing

I don't remember how me and Dean becomes the lab partner, but then, I went to Olivia? Like that green guy in SMTV 2015? His name is Olivia, and Wing sitting not too far, and there is an orange behind that green?

Right...There is a thao in between 3 guys, that is black yellow guy behind. 

SMCH, "Be Forgiving, and Merciful"

When you getting a lab partner, I think we do our own math. I don't remember I ask them for my math? Math is easy, the lab works take times, yes....

You taking a honor class or you are in the regular general chemistry class? They do lab too.

If you ask them for your math? You can just ask your TA, that is why you have a TA session with Amy or Amo. They are there for you to asking them. I don't really trust Wing or Dean knows what those are really....I go to TA if i have to.

Lab procedure I usually not sure, but if you are saying there is a result, I putting into the data to general my results, those things are easy, I just look up the formula in the textbook, those are not hard to figure it out, and TA you can just emailing them I think.

No, I don't ask Wing or Dean on the lab manual, I say already, I don't trust them, they are 2 years younger than me. I go to TA. They are always there okay? You just ask them everything, and they will tell you. I don't remember all the details already...you know how long that was ago? You could also go to Dr. T's office for lab....but technically he is the professor, and your TA is for your lab specifically, your TA will know every steps on those questionairs, your professor might have to look at the lab, and sit there waiting.....I just go to TA, I am telling you. Don't waste my times?

They don't test lab? I don't remember we have any test, they only do report and submit lab. 


You are taken PCAT? So you were listening what I am asking Brian, what do they actually do on that MCAT, to fail me 16 years later on that website?

oh ~~~

You are going to start preparing the PCAT on your first day of that class, whatever class on your assign sheets?


You ask Carol, the UB undergraduate advisor, or whichever school, your undergraduate program advisor?

oh ....

So you are preparing like them, that is what you are saying? Those honor class students, they prepare on their first day of the class, to that every notebook they keep, are for the PCAT or MCAT?

Meaning every question you do in that textbook you flip, or you only do what Dr. T assign in your questions? And you have to prepare the lab parts, for the PCAT and MCAT?

When I took PCAT, I don't think there is a lab part....

At my time, those time, I don't think we have Amazon yet...the facebook just got on the real world, we are using Nescape? 

They sell things in the Barns & Nobles. You look into those session of books, they separate in English, math, and chemistry, with biology of course.

You read their questions in that books, or you just decide you do all the works starting the day 1 on your class?

All your class?

Do you check what is needed class ?

You getting a tutor to plan? Your military assignment care you have a brain to stay in the military, they saying anything you become the professional pharmacist or MD doctors?

I think if you just graduate normal with the college paper, they are more than happy, you finish your UB routes with all those assign credits, apparently you look very stressful. I only say you get the feeling, they say you to go there and becoming?


I was a transfer, you started at freshman, you are not pushing into running out of time, okay?

My case were a little bit different. You can plan from the freshman, so you take PCAT at junior year and senior year again, like you apply 2 times.

I was in UB first year, but I was a sophomore, so the second year UB, I work in CADS lab,that is the time I taken PCAT, and the year after.

You only take PCAT two times, not three times. But I took it three times, okay?

My ENglish just like my SAT II ...no matter how it goes, I will never make it. I just did it to tell my mother I have something going on, in that direction. Its not I always getting my scores sheets of paper, I will ever feel hopeful. Its the same things in high school, I try to go to any California system school, as long as that English can go higher. No matter how your science doing, those....you really need English is more than that 15 or 25 percentile bracket, like I never making it ever....

I don't think I plan anything, other than hoping my English going up....I had a tutor at....PCAT shows up. I don't think I plan before PCAT scores showing up yet...

I was that lazy...I actually pay that guy, he works in the South campus, those bookstore right on the main street. He writes for the magazine I think. He got in some very good school, so he has some flyers on campus, I went to call him and set up the tutoring session.

THose English never improved anything, its all looking Greek starting the first day I try the PCAT to the last time I try PCAT.

This things keep happening okay? 

We had TOEFL here in Taiwan, and we had SAT I and SAT II. 

There is nothing spelling my safety as long as I get in any university, I don't really care where that is. 

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