
小龍 Do you want to get the Mentor? Like I had a nick? To become the classmate on that age bracket with Eben and Craig? Because all my UB MD their bracket, they had a tutor, they were not telling me....all those years !


You like Sariputra telling you a story, or you like Craig Ballantyne telling you a reality, or you like Pang to show you the true life meant on sumble?

Do you ....met Pang before? Like talking, sounding, emailing, contacting? 

There is certain part is forever on girls part, but there is something forever not, on the guys part, only his mother owns all that right?

你的爸媽見過長大成人的饒堯邦嗎 ? 我的照片滿天下的關係 ... ...

You have a very weak character, where your Father has a business where? In California?

Do you know that, every business requires a lawful ideas, no matter whom you bring to see your father, you could just throw them outside yard, don't bother coming in? For people like you or your father mother side?

Not like Pang's father forever not side? His father was dead ! 

I don't think that part of you, being weak....so the guys is what looking on his face, or inside his eyes ....would be, you want to just called Dr. Shen, if that day ever comes, your father is not home, you plan to tell your father something super important, of your once of life chances, and Dr. Shen happanes still in the City of Hope, after both them watching two TV

One is Sariputra telling that story

One is 亂馬 same again the story, they both reading Chinese?

Dr. Bing Shen his Chinese name is 炳輝

They both need to look at whom this guy you wish to bring birds? Like Lauren Silverman, on that 奇蹟暖暖? That bird?

Lauren Silverman's bird? That is Andrew Silverman, the casino guys?

oh ! And on Lauren's profile, her job description is a socialist. You are a nurse, and you want to tell your father, that story Sariputra telling me, which part of that story, I try to understand inside my brain, sounds like that they don't read it in English parts? 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....