Because those routine, cleaniness, thoughts to get simple, not clusters, to focus on making the money, and the future, that bigger works to be done, most time, people just stay single or sometimes solitude a while. Like I travel to Canada 6 months back and forth.
Not that I never complain.
I just accept that part of the situation, because in another angle, that might be exactly what I want with God. In the Bible, it states it very very clear.
That day after day, just accepting that going on. Its not that I have no clear goal, because making a money don't see the veil on the other side like your monitor to your own unit, or your own worlds, that I will ever know.
If someone shows up telling me, there is a term called "Police or military"
My head will turn differently, not like I used to.
Flower Thousand Bones, 花千骨 (2015)
They go to become monks and nuns. At least 30 years later, they will
trumpet that time. Not right now. They failed 16 years ago, there is not
much. others receive papers, but probably I gonna write them.
Do they?
Some. your type of people.
They probably not using too old, or too young, for that Flower Thousand Bone, but younger groups, one likes to go becoming monks and nuns.
But when the TV says, you just become. That is acetic life. It may not make any sense to them, in 40 years, or 20 years even, they die in pain and all that, those part of evolution might be better for them.
You care about things, and you pine for them. In 30 years, someone will tell you, that is what you are right now. You are not improving it, you feel exciting. You can just drop everything and go.
That will be the best things for them.
You looking better in front of the military, in 10 years, 20 years or 30 years, you will trumpet in front of all your friends, facebook, networks.
Yes !
You don't do those what you suppose to do, you will lose your IQ, your years, your thoughts, your strength in life. Down hill.
You feel the second wing to start your second life. No. You failed life already.
Its not what you think the world, how my words make you feel Sariputra or Tina, blood lines. Like Disney, square square....those family feeling all supports. Not dying or jailing, or nunhood.....You mistunderstood all.
The strength and the liveiness, of that vitality, its the Lords, me giving you all that. You have none of that. You close your PC, in 1 month, you gonna die alone in that seclusive worlds of yourself, raoming again like you used to.
You know what does the monk do in the temple?
They need to bow low to the donor, like my mother buying the socks for them in the airports, to re-organize his luggage going back to China.
What you could do just join the SMCH, retreat, all the time. Meditation retreat we sleeping in the tent in Taiwan, the international retreat they are in hotel with 10 people on the ground or the bed, depends whom got there first. You don't sleep, you go to meditate.
I told you, when I started that 23, I feel so much pain, for that lowering to tent life, I cannot get adjusted to. My mother always have this housing room board taking care of. I will tell you, the first time of that Thailand, it was a hotel.
If you are saying the purchase center, I know that, I can do that, its small room everyone meditate. Its an indoor.
Not outdoor camping !!! I never camping !!! oh my God. Taiwan.....all that.
Then they go to Menton, its a hotel. Those things indoor I breath better. I don't adapt to that life, how long the meditation suppose to be. Retreat means whole day for 3 5 7 days....SMCH shows up entertainment, that is a break. Not anything else.
Most people going there to eat, and you will find food, works, and things you join there, its to meditation and you like that kind of life.
I don't adapt to the first day.
If Obama his kids just drop everything, they are black one likes them there. Not those girls. They do service to the country, and they do something good for themselves, and military. Their father is the star, not them ever, forever it will never be they ever stars. That is unfortunate, they won't listen to it.
You lost 40 years from 2015
You just don't know how to spell that you don't even know what that means after 40 years you die, you remember...someone already went through 40 years other dimension starts...just TV makes 1/1000 small scales saying.
What you lose will never gaining it back ever again.
Independent life like Retreat life
Like you clean yourself with very scarce water. You don't have a bathroom, you share the bathroom. There are every degree of inconivience, you imagine...that wood life. But you stay together in a group, you see a lot of people like your kinds, wearing robes.
People don't get handy in their own life.
Do you know how to folder your own clothing, organizing your own cabin, packing your own luggage in let's say 2 days?
oh ~ you cannot do anything in 1 days, not to say 2 days.
Your thought on tangling how others getting things, you will tell me one day, exactly how you see others, in other people's face, that is you yourself.
You got the full picture wrong.
You land down a place, fresh new, you had some money
You go to the airport renting a car and a GPS, you stalking to the car agent people or not?
You going into a hotel, you are new to this town, you talking to the hotel manager people or not?
I have no ideas what you mean, life, that spells, you cannot get on your real life.
I regent, there is a past, I am keeping saying that words are BIGGER!
Why you don't even listen what is a regent meant? You go outside SWAT team whole day, and coming home to read a child literacy on Berlin children books?
You want to try that again?
You are not improving your own evolution
Right now, you are being shown something, you are having a response, right?
That response is a feeling.
That response is not evolution.
Your vision of your own future is not clear at all. You are producing a feeling, that is called sentimental child, to relent, what to get the candy next. You are really robbery, stealing, and trying to murder next, if all that failed.
Your evolution is not even arriving 4 points frame, lower than 4, that would be 3, 2, 1
Line and dot
You understand what you looking like to other, one day?
That is line and dot, you hug together, you holding hands together, you becoming the spider to see another spider and telepathy?
You get the full pictures wrong to anything you will just lose it all in the end....ALL
Karmic forces and karmic hindrance you put yourself, and the karmic final consequence...
Sometimes in the end, that is all coming down, to the degree. final revolution! That drop some words in, you don't need really a full sentence to reading all that ....your intention is to steal, robbery, and take things. When all failed, you threaten, you murder, you play words, and thinking outside the box, taking the material I tell you on the TV, to re-make your own style power struggle. You wait and see what you all will becoming....
In this life
In the end of this one life.
You know whats me and the England Queen difference? If she knows, at least she sympathize you.
All these offering are not made for you. Never will be yours. I just saying it.....for me face to glow. None things will become yours. In that medical field, you are the last bracket, to be really still sitting there, I can get someone else to do the jobs quicker.
Queen doesn't know anything else....but let's say she just heard one things....she has so much things she owns, she can just spare something.
oh no...that story SMCH telling those 500 disciples story to their master, they become Flamego next life, because they touch those offering food when they were human as the disciples.
England Queen she is not all that strict what you ought to be. She gets hurt.
I will tell you, all that I ever tell you things is in words, what that End, Bible just means End.
There is not much we ever say, anymore after that. There is not much to really encourage or not encourage you. Its just your own life, no one cares, exactly like you mean. I say it already. no one cares about the life you meant, that is your own life! No one !! Understand?
Your own attitude is your own demise
There are so many things said. You can insist to not let go, that is your own very problems.
Your own regrets are how to blame on the girls next by, while yours a little bit higher. True. Its all true, and they going down hill very very fast in health, in attitude, in lawsuit divorce...when people are desperate, you can bet anything could ever happen like murder.
You are lifting a little bit in spirits, but all your friends all around are in very turmoil. Very very badly affects if you are good going up, and they just never get the help from you, to say, lighten your own world a bit.
In 16 years.... there is a future !
Military plants those strings, they pull it in 16 years
You will be dead, or disable !
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