
Parliment of UK, that is the proper name: House of Commons!

 Do you know we UB has a Common? Its called "UB Common"? its at ....

That is where ....


Hi, I woke up ! Settle things.

Do you UK Parliment just wish to tell me, you jail people to start, so we do this  movie 123?

That law might be easier, if you put through, no commoners marry to the royals? So the rest of that procedure equal to a formula?

Yeah, how about we start with that conversation? You give me your end requirement, I work towards that you want, not the movies says? That is more like a reality thing supposed to be doing?


You Both Parliment Upper House and Lower House wants to see..

How me, nick, Eben, and my mother strangle each other, with me against all my family, or all my UB friends, in some kinds of ways, to one person doing all that jobs...in between to talk, you want to go and faciliate that person, a girl, like me.

To do that with ETR Craig.

You wish ETR Craig Ballantyne will do things like Eben. Whatever he is doing with nick, or my mother got invovled, and my entire life got smoke up, you want to see how EQ I got to handle all that,

or that girl??? You UK Queen beauty pageant, how she should do all these things, talking, communicating,....

Worse, I go back to the facebook, to drag a full them out....called I used to have firends, and starting, 

            "You used to be my friends, let's play party ABCDEFGF, whom play whom's side, talk communicate, and say the right words, to whom, what military, black ops,"

You would even say those words, UK Pariliment, upper house, or lower houses....you want to see all that, fights going on ...

Do you even have a sympathy to me? 

okay ... these things are real lifes.

I have 3 or 4 craps people definite to go to jail.

Adam & Hailey, Stephen Tamang, Ola Rochester, and Karen Makar.

And if those Tiny 3.0 fail behind to open their mouth to communicate right...unlike Jonathon....They will also go to jail, those kinds.

You wish your beauty pageant to be that actively pump up? Not pompyo?


On my screen monitors, says UK parliments are two Houses.

One lower house: House of Commons

One upper house: House of Lords. 

You see yourself in the movies? The Congress?

My congress in that Princess Diary, they are always there. I will know what to talk to all, just like they suppose to be listening, yes! 

I didn't watch the movies, do you show up, as your entire Congress assembly?  Like debates, to "shut up"? Those scenes?

You need to have a speech too, for the public people, if they pass by.

The commoners, private Corperation, not just the govenmental employee.

The real private Corperation. They train their kids. 

You know what.... I am too busy....and too tired right now. You figure it out your roles, with what you want to see on them, and you re-write that movies for yourself, to look like a fitted stories.

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 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....