
Eben, ETR Craig Ballanytne + Mat + R guy

They believe human should strive to be perfect. 

Meaning open your mouth and talk first !! You hide things behind and they show you things the first degree is wrong - you hide things. 

Correct, in my degree, you will never make it. They ….well, if their Masterson told them okay, they probably will agree to it. They listen to their Masterson a lot.

But you make it to Masterson?

Really ?

You want try Nick, Anan first? He is born to be a maid servant that guy? He will die ! He is 75.

My UB guys they never met him, where are my photo …

You talk like a normal human to nick, and see if he says you are okay to be sent to Masterson or Berny kind …

I drop them all. So I be with him ?

Certain guys never have a business they built in life.- they are servant - they fix car, get a house, cook

Cooking ! Put a meal on a table they will not jealous if I drive 4 hours to get there, it’s food purchased or home made soup I can feel to warm my stomach.

Begins that?

Their dictionary I think 

1. You never make it

2. You should just die, they have business set up they will never die so you die fine.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....