
Correct, there are Wind ingredient in it. Most people don't roller blade 野外求生 ( Wildness seeking survival methods, Blades)

You are outside traveling, you only have one thing to know about.


Like on the bike, on the roller blade, on moving things around through cargo, U-haul.

You all just like to stay on the monitor, to say, playing PC games, playing TV monitor, or watching porm. That.... kind of life, I know you are illuded yeah.

Your eyes...

Its in your eyes.


I told you I have a condition in my eyes. You have a sand bag on your ankle, you walk that everyday in life, you take it off and walk again?

You feel differently.

You eyes if I wave that fan on purpose at your eye front, just in the video, you got scared, and dulging in life. ALL the time.

You have no ideas what I know about you, in every degree, you will shrink, kneel, flat, begs, on the ground as how blind you truly are in life.


You don't turn, you don't cook, you don't wash...

You feel those are chore works.

You don't walk, you don't move, you don't exercise, 

You are not lifting your space, and time, to torsal your entire body skeleton. I might not know every degree of the bone studies, but I know what are the joint, I feel? You don't study, you don't go to school to learn, you forget everything in the lecture hall, to be a face card.

I say that all the time. Its just a face card you imagine to do the public performing arts.....UB that is called the Center Art Performing Center?

I say that many many times, you are very very very very lazy.

You like to be lazy.

Very very lazy, and impaired.

This is probably your only chance in life, to make something evolutionary "prove" that chance. You die, you exit !

Patio - House Balcony First Floor

I use to live on the Living room of someone's house. Her dining room away from the kitchen. And that has a patio, where the balcony built. I stays on that patio all the time, pots and pans, of plants, collecting garbage room recycle door going in and out...

If you go to the military to sort these craps.

You don't really know how real is ET meants to say.

There are Wind!!

You survive in those days of living outside, you know how insanity people some those are....to say indoor pets.

Beauty Pagent

I know

I told you I know. I don't care about it. I know you watching it thousand times. I know they shape a lot of categories with the trainer to become a face card on the TV. And for some big company, maybe they really try out before the real idotiy regarded human on face card methods.

You are producing a TV format? or You mean the Future?

I didn't say anything.

I just comment what you might heard about. Yeah.

Your mother will tell me, how lazy you all are, really. You don't like the chore, you don't like to work, you found TV moniter you glues to that frequency, to be suck inside.....your think in your head space, what's real or what's Keanu says, TRUTH

So stupidity talks...

Some people live life after life on the edge, jump, leap, bounce....seeing you all like impaired human, my TV I just don't advertising loud enough each single words, I say.. "Impaired indoor pets" by your parents.

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