
Birds again Noon.

 I am decoding the Lotto.

Just now, after the birds showing up. I was lecturing them the kids in Chinese. 

Why do they always sequence backwards, every time I added something?

I add the Chinese first, and then Obama video. They do that with the photo, they do that with the video.

Can you stop doing that? I put a lot of manual works on this. 

Chinese Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

Chinese Flower Thousand Bone (2015)

SMCH is name 6
Dr. Steven had a tiger in the temple.
Voyage in French, its traveling? Missionary....63 windermere, like Wing?
Joathon's age 37, Lauren's age, Simon used to be concubine?

Jonathon is in the church?
Yeah, the car wash I said.
But that is not going to a church, going to a church? Right?
There are some people, they born and die in the church.
💝💖💞 Baby I need nap, I woke up, I tell you what I think....I have not thinking anything...the birds keep saying this Flower Thousand Bone, I post the video in the website now. Just before I decode the Lotto. I see them, I went to decode the lotto.
I was writing the kids Chinese something about Simon, and their 5 Worlds stuffs from the Buddhism Sutra.
Then I heard the Birds. They went on filming.
Then I decode the Lotto
Now I need to go to napping...

Birds was talking something....I didn't get the film.

Go to sleep....

Can you all making yourself useful? Contact the animal boss, whomever...asking themselves..the entire animal Kingdoms are all about the same to me.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....