


Hi, this is Mahavatar Babaji. 

I am from UB, we used might know each other, Karen's parents. 

The rest of parents I haven't known you.

I met Dean's Parents, Ola's parents.

I visits Wing's parents house, never seen the Parents 我沒有見過 Wing 的父母親 ! 

nor Tamang's parents.

How are you? Karen's parents?

I used don't have that much eyeliner make-up.

    ※ People tend to run over my stuffs, when the movies turns real.

    ※ People attitude are they are the King of the World, not I am the King of the Kings.

    ※ People tend to talk the guys I say they are my 5 Lords, because of the relationship establish in the Hollywood and in UB. I had no road forward that time, and backward that time. Otherwise I would have call Dean. Then if one day these 5 Lords become the reality to do the judgement Day, and find out everything I suffer, they will stlil going to hell.

    ※ Do you understand the ET position?

    ※ ET will only secure me. Not American Classify, Bill and Kerry, those big mouth talking jouranlists, to say whistle blowers, that is why my face not one image is in TV monitor or movie screen.

    ※ ET is very hostile to the degree, you attempt to try, you will be burn down hell.

    ※ ET warns you once, you will take it like 1000 times, if I were you to heed every words I say to you.

    ※ I have investors, that is not Ola's stuffs, or your kids girly girls stuffs to talk to.

    ※ America is Venture Captialist Nation, Number 1 super nation worlds sits in UN, then China. Russia, Frence, and England. I happen to know them. Fine relationship.

    ※ I am a metropolitan Capital growing up kid, not you rural country side, that never seen the world in the large stage.

    ※ I rule, not your kids ever will rule.

People in Venture Capitalism, are very serious people's attitude. They don't need to know there was a prank manner that is being magnifying to the entire World Stages, by ET. They wonder what that really means, deep down in their characters.

You love your kids. But you don't see those characters other people willing to see, by horrible gossips methods, that ET does.

I do not care about what ET saying it true or not true. I know what I saw. I know each of them in degree what's their relationship with me.

There is a girl groups

There is a guy groups

I say to you, the girl attitudes are bad, if they try to take a legal grounds, this day forward. You may not pay today,.....you are being told and warn.

A lot of guys nature are not bad, and most of time they are very thoughtful. You attempt to hurt them, watch it out, you will be hurt.

Right now, you are being watched by many industry. Your kids. Not you personality. You want them to grow on them own, or you provide guidance to them? They ask you to hire a lawyer to sue whom? Really?

My investors are in the TV. If you do this whatever you planning to sue others, with your victimize attitudes, remember if my investors happened to be in the TV in the future with you, don't talk to me.

You fail your life this time, you will fail ever time after.

I should make myself clear.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....