
Okay, how about this …you say from the implication of a Bermuda line to W two worlds ….there is a meeting in America wish to be facilitate ?

 Aren’t you supposed to be a lawyer ?

We are civilian, no one is classified. We cannot do this !!

The beginning of W two worlds 

Tamang gun owns with Ukraine competition in 2004 Olympia games 

And there is a political strike, parade at night.

These entire scripts involved City of Hope Dr Bing Shen’s face to his position as a chairman in radiology that corresponde to their Rivalry in Rosewell, Jonathon’s father, MD radiology. 

City of Hope and Roswell are rivalry the cancer institutes. Do you want to ask them, what they are fighting about?

Tamang was in the Mayo Clinic resume working there. 

There is me in between Tamang and Dean?

That Erin’s face

That’s 建均 face

CORNERIN are on my local photo here next by laboratory restaurant. See photo.   

Erin is in 50 shades of Grey, Christian that face is in CAC, same club me Ayo, Karen they were.

Grey are ET !!


How do we prove this at the court ?

They are garbage human.

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....