
⭐️⭐️ Of course, there is a reason why I called the parents here ⭐️⭐️


I am regent Buddhism right now for Flower Thousand Bone 2015.

On Purna.

That is on Harry Potter one of the 4 missing table. Buddhism doesn't eat that much food, on fasting, so my period is disappearing. From all the juicing, meditation, and I stop meditation now, to focus on all the Military Orientation and kids behinds for the future. Little monks little kids.

I regent Buddhism, that is one of the 5 Major religion. 

You are all from your different country background. Your kid told me that, where you all from.

Ola is from Poland.

Dean is from Ukraine.

Jonathon is half, to Mexican.

Hira is Persian, not on the map.

Alice is Chinese

Wing is Hong Kong.

Tamang is Indian.

I told you I have NSYNC human face to face on them UB 5.

Now that is what is called 5 Lords in SMCH lineage.

I do not know you are in any other lineage other than Christinaity. You want to ... kill each other now?

I do not know where is the rest of the other 4.

But all eyes are on here....

If you have stuffs in your own country, and you seeing it, there is TV turn real, its better you do your own research, telling your entire family to look for you. I do not have extra human or knowing where you all stuffs at. 

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I gonna switch the blog URL now. You keep that task next, one year.

 URL: https://194worlds002.blogspot.com/ Website preparing in progress....